Chapter six : It got worse

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Ayesha's POV

In my entire life have I ever faced something like this. I didn't know rich kids could be this mean. What did I ever do to them because I was born poor or is it because I am smarter than most of them?

I had tears lingering at the corner of my eyes.

I stood in front of the crowd of students in the auditorium.

Looked at their sad guilty faces.

" listen guys is that all you got? I giggled evilly almost as if I was mad and twitching. You know when I look at you guys I see your parents disgrace disappointment and losers. How are you supposed to achieve something in your life when all you do is bully the poor and weak. When I look at you guys I see pity I pity you guys you are nothing but leftovers wasting away their parent's money. Continue ooo if you like bully me till you die if it will give you success academically or socially then feel free cause only sickos like you bully for fun. I said walking out of the auditorium.

When I walked out Akiko and Maher were running over to me .they could have helped but Taslym locked them up in the janitor's closet. What a loser that girl is I most certainly don't have time for a stupid Barbie empty can.

" Ayesha are you okay? Akiko said looking at me almost crying.

"Do I look okay? It looks. Like a giant baby threw up on me.

" well, apart from the messy outfit it looks like she's fine Akiko no need to worry since she still has humor after what happened. Maher said chuckling.

I also chuckled at his statement. We were all laughing when daar and Ciara approached me.

Akiko and Maher made weird faces like let's leave you guys alone and they left.

Daar stared at me for some seconds and handed me a shirt his shirt. I looked at the shirt and his face and said ."no thank you am okay. I rolled my eyes up at him.

" Ayesha look am sorry okay and I didn't mean for this to happen I had an extra shirt in my locker thought you may need some help so I gave... Ciara cuts in.

" what my stupid brother is trying to say is he's sorry and he Didn't mean for all this to happen we didn't arrive on time. I wish I was there speaking of which I have to deal with Taslym. See you guys later. " Ciara wait... I said but she trailed off.

" look if you don't want the shirt that's fine it's my favorite shirt I can keep it back. He said shrugging.

" hah, here we go again with the arrogant behavior and the jerky attitude. Wow, you will never change. I am going to accept that but not because of your offer or you threatening to return it to your locker.

I said snatching the shirt off his hands. And headed for the bathroom.

When I got in the bathroom, there she was empty can Barbie putting on lipgloss and admiring herself in the mirror.

I only minded my business and got in a toilet and closed the door.

" you know silence isn't going to make me not want to torment you or that big speech you gave out there whoa you must think that's this is a fight for the right crisis I mean now you have more haters than you could imagine. So buckle up Ayesha you're going for a long journey of living hell in Daveina.

She said walking out. I only listened and did what I was here for changed into a shirt. Ouu is that a cologne must be expensive it smells nice the whole shirt does.

Ayesha, what are you saying? He did this to you the shirt is just the start of him apologizing.

I put on the shirt and wiped other mess with wipes and tissue paper. I fixed my braids and walked out of the bathroom.

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