Chapter four :welcome to daveina !

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Now ...

Ayesha's POV

Everyone stared at me like some kinda phantom who popped outta nowhere.

Don't blame them must be a lot to take in since am gonna be destroying their asses .

First we have a lunatic light-skinned bitch who thinks am gonna steal whoever that is sitting next to me obviously. And second a quiet nut job who lost his girlfriend.and thirdly the also profound arrogant nut job  who is sitting next to me. And fourth a detective delusional psycho . Fifth another light skinned girl not a bitch just too naive . Sixth the so called friend player who is nice to everyone. And lastly a white douche bag  who makes fun of everyone or should I say was quite born stupid . How did he end up in this class.  And me the vengeful soul who is here to see the ticking bomb explode .

" classes dismissed. The teacher said walking out.

" so if you want I could show you around  or maybe tomorrow if you'd prefer? Akiko said clenching to my arms.

No now sounds good too . I said chuckling.

" since when did you become besties Akiko don't be a snitch Akiko you know well you don't get involved with her type stop playing nice . The light skinned bitch  said rolling her eyes .

" Whatever Taslym . Your just jealous because you know she would never be your friend . By the way she's not just an ordinary scholarship student she's  Shane Collin's sister . Everyone stopped what they were doing and paused to look at me the stared as if I wasn't enough to be his sister .

" hey don't go joking around with that mans name he's a guy everyone dreams to become and get married to literally. Taslym said .

" guys look I don't expect you to like me and couldn't care less if you don't but I don't want anyone messing around with my brothers name . Is that okay . Because am not nice you see I can be a bitch if I want too. I said walking out the class.

" just who does she think she is how rude Taslym uttered.  

" why does she keep saying she's Shane's sister Shane doesn't have a sister . Daar said .

" yes indeed he doesn't she's his adoptive sister . And it doesn't matter . Look we shouldn't get on her bad side her brother is kinda a dangerous guy you don't wanna mess with him. Akiko suggested .

" so you're saying we should be ass kissers? Samuel replies.

" no just stay away from her if you can't be friends that's all. Akiko said walking out.

Daar's POV

"She seems pretty nice . Ciara utters.

" yeah she seems like a lot of problems. I said sighing.

" I think you might be crushing bro I see the way you looked at her when she walked in . Ciara said teasing.

" yeah I don't think so if you've noticed she's not my type she's hot headed and feisty . I said slinging my back pack on my back.

" well we shall see about that . Ciara said chuckling and went out of the classroom.

Ciara's POV 

I walked out and wanted to approached  Ayesha . I wanted to be friends maybe she might seem lonely .

Before I approached her I pause looking at my brother who's locker is next to hers . Let's just watch from over here . I said sighing. He's gonna do something stupid oh dear lord .

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