Chapter 32

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[A/N: sorry for the slow update this past few days I've been very busy with the stay week. Lots of content from skz making me so happy! And by the way, belated happy birthday stays!!! Also, before I totally forgot... There's probably one or two chapters left!! And I'm still thinking if I should put some special chapters in this. So I hope u stay tuned! ]

Chapter 32

“Going somewhere?” Felix asked Jeongin when he saw him fixing himself before grabbing his pair of shoes in the shoe rack. Then he sat on the single couch to put his shoe on before answering him.

“Hmm… I’m going with Hyunjin because his mother wanted to see me.” Jeongin said sounding different so Felix immediately sense his nervousness.

He shook his head before tapping Jeongin’s shoulder when he finished tying his shoes. “Don’t think about it too much. You’ve been friends with Hyunjin ever since right? For sure his mom likes you too.” Felix said to cheer his cousin up.

Jeongin blows a loud breath before sitting straight. “You think she will accept us?” he asked his cousin, still nervous.

“What’s there not to accept? For sure his mom will understand. Just think positive! Stop thinking anything that would make you nervous even more.” Felix said.

“I’m just expecting the worse.” Jeongin blows a loud breath.

“Why would you expect for worse when you can expect something great?”

Jeongin shook his head. “Shut up Lix.”

“What? I’m just telling the truth.”

Jeongin shook his head before standing up. “Whatever Lix. I’ll be going now.” Jeongin said and that’s when Han went out of his room who obviously just woken up because of his messy hair.

“Huh? You’re leaving? Where are you going at this hour?” Han immediately asked while still holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

“I’m going with Hyunjin. We will be meeting his mother.” Jeongin said before taking a look of himself in the mirror for the last time.

Han sat on the couch beside Felix. “Tell him he’s still ugly in my eyes.” Han said before sipping hi coffee.

“Yeah. And Hyunjin said last night that you are ugly too.” Jeongin said before stepping out of the apartment.

Felix shook his head after Jeongin went out of the apartment before facing Han. “Why do you even hate Hyunjin that much?” Felix asked his cousin who’s busy with his coffee.

“Hmm? Well, I don’t know. But it’s not hate though. I just got irritated whenever I see him and probably because we love teasing one another ever since we saw each other that’s why.” Han said with a shrugg.

Hmmm… that could be the reason why they always end up dissing each other whenever they see an opportunity.

While Jeongin didn’t wait too long for Hyunjin because the moment he steps out of the apartment, Hyunjin immediately arrived with his car.

Jeongin hop inside before putting his seatbelt on. “Hey baby bun!” Hyunjin immediately greeted him with a wide grin on his face.

“Hmm.. hi.” Jeongin greeted with no energy at all. Hyunjin knotted his eyebrows while looking at his baby bun confused.

“What’s wrong? Not feeling well? Should we postpone our trip?” Hyunjin instantly asked.

Jeongin shook his head. “Nah. It’s just that I’m really nervous. Don’t mind me. And we can’t just cancel our trip. Your mom is expecting us.”

My hater, my lover [Hyunin AU]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora