Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Do we really have to do this?" Felix asked for about 10 times already and Jeongin rolled his eyes for also 10 times in a row.

"Yes! I told you already right? I am sure about this!" Jeongin fixed his cap infront of the mirror. He is wearing an all black outfit. From his hoodie, to his pants, sneakers and cap. He also put a white mask to cover his face so no one will recognize him.

"But Jeongin, this is dangerous! What if someone might caught you huh? They can sue you of invasion of privacy!" Felix insisted.

Felix and him can really get along well but there's really a time when their opinions contradict each other. And this is one of those times.

"C'mon! You don't have to over think okay? I can handle this! And it's not that this is the first time I'm doing this! I already did this a lot of times already and they never caught me-well sort of." He laughed nervously when Felix looked at him sharply. Jeongin waved his hands in the air. "Hey! Don't worry too much! I'll call you if I'm done okay? So stop worrying already. I'll just snap a couple of pictures and I'm done. I just miss him so much and I badly want to see him. A lot of his fans will also go and wait for him at the airport and I need to be there earlier than them so I can have a nice place where I can take his pictures." He assured his cousin. He doesn't even know why he is explaining. It feels like Felix became his mom in a moment.

Jeongin grabbed his favorite camera he used to take pictures of Bang Chan. Today is the day Chan will arrive. He'd been in the US for about five days that's why he never had any news about him. Except for his instagram where he post a lot of pictures and stories so he's still happy with that. He went on a vacation there with his friends. Chan is known for being good in the music industry. All his songs are really amazing, everytime he would release another song, it will go hit and won different awards, and he listens to it every single time. Whenever his sad, happy, bored, or just chillin. Bang Chan's music is always part of his everyday mood.

"You're smiling creepily again. Stop that will you?" Jeongin's bubble was popped when he heard Felix's voice. Ending all his thoughts about Bang Chan.

"You are a dream crasher!" He fired back.

Felix just shrugged his shoulder before dropping his body on his bed. They are staying in the same apartment near their university. It's hassle for them to go back and fort from their house so they decided to asked their parents to buy them an apartment where they can live together and they agreed so here they are. But they still go home every weekend and summer breaks.

"I'll get going now. I don't want to be late." He said before grabbing his backpack and putting the straps on both of his shoulders before running off the room.

When he went out of their apartment, he rode a bus all the way to the airport. It took him almost thirty minutes to arrive. Good thing he left early so he still have another thirty minutes of waiting but it's okay. As long as it's Bang Chan.

Even though he needs to wait for long, he never left his place because he found a perfect spot where he can take a lot of photos of Chan in a nice angle.

Jeongin spent his time watching videos on his phone to pass the time while waiting for Chan's arrival.

He is on his sixth video when Felix called him. He immediately pick up the phone while looking around the airport just to make sure Chan hasn't arrived yet.

"Yes hello?" he said after answering the call.

"Hey! Can I borrow your Netflix account? I'm so bored here. I wanna watch some movies." He heard Felix's voice from the other line sounding so bored. He already told him the other day to go home because he won't be staying on their apartment today but Felix insisted to stay. And now he's bored.

My hater, my lover [Hyunin AU]Where stories live. Discover now