Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Baby bun, you want some?" Hyunjin offered the plate that is full of pasta cooked by Minho.

Jeongin shook his head. "Nah. I'm still full. Han cooked us lunch earlier."

Hyunjin sat beside him on the couch before putting the plate on the center table. "But that was like three hours ago. It's almost four o'clock now. Maybe you can eat just a little?" Hyunjin said still trying to convince his baby bun to eat.

"Yah! Why do you want me to eat so bad? Can't you see that I'm starting to get chubby? Look at my cheeks!" Jeongin whined while pointing at his cheeks and Hyunjin can't help but to laugh because of his cuteness.

"Aigo! If you became chubby like what you said, then you're my chubby baby bun then. And I bet you will still look cute in my eyes as you always do." Hyunjin said before pinching Jeongin's cheeks earning a growl from his baby bun.

"Yah! Stop pinching my cheeks!" Jeongin did everything to push Hyunjin's hands away from his cheeks, good thing he succeeded.

They became silent afterwards. Hyunjin started eating the pasta while Jeongin was just watching some movie.

Hyunjin tried to fed his baby bun but the latter still refuses. So in the end he just gave up and eat the whole pasta.

After eating, Hyunjin put the plate in the sink before drinking a glass of water. After doing so, he get back to his baby bun that is still busy watching movie in the living room.

Looks like Jeongin is much more interested in the movie than him.

So Hyunjin sat in the farthest couch, away from where Jeongin is sitting. And the latter noticed it but chose to ignore, thinking that Hyunjin is just sulking and he will definitely sat beside him after some time.

But a couple of minutes had already passed but Hyunjin still haven't moved from his place so Jeongin keeps on glancing at him from time to time.

Until he can't stand it anymore so he decided to go near him and sat beside him. But Hyunjin snuggle himself on the armrest of the sofa even more making Jeongin shook his head. He is indeed sulking. Aigo!

Jeongin focused his eyes on the movie but he offered his hand at Hyunjin's direction. He only waited for a couple of seconds before he felt Hyunjin's hand slowly intertwining with his.

"Stop sulking will you? You look ugly when you sulk." Jeongin teased and Hyunjin pouted his lips before leaning on Jeongin's shoulder.

He just want his baby bun's affection.

"Wait... aren't you sick? You should be resting by now. You shouldn't be here watching movie." Jeongin said when he suddenly remember that he was here because Minho said Hyunjin was sick and he needs someone who will take care of him.

"Oh! I'm feeling better now. Before you arrived earlier, I already took medicine." Hyunjin said before snuggling close to Jeongin.

Jeongin arched his eyebrows. "Really? So that Ryujin probably made you drink the medicine right?"

Hyunjin, who wasn't aware of the voice tone of Jeongin nod his head. "Oh yeah! She made me drink the medicine since you know that I'm kinda forgetful in that kind of matter."

Jeongin clenched his jaw before he continued speaking. "Really? Maybe you should call her back and ask her to help you drink the medicine again."

He sounded like a jealous boyfriend here. Well he is indeed... jealous of that girl. She was the one being linked with his boyfriend anyways. So there's really a reason to be jealous.

My hater, my lover [Hyunin AU]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang