Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

It’s been two weeks since ‘that’ talk between him and Minho— Hyunjin’s cousin, happened.

After that, everything goes back to normal. He’d been going to the university just like before, but there are still some who seemed not to move on with that issue and Jeongin just let it slide. It won’t do him any good if he would keep on entertaining them.

And between him and Hyunjin, well… they did go back to normal. Like they don’t know each other at all. He can still see him in the university every now and then but other than that, there’s no any physical interaction between them. And Jeongin is really thankful about that.

“Hey! Wanna go to the cafeteria? I’m kinda hungry.” Felix asked his cousin who’s busy reading a book inside their room. It’s their vacant time for two hours straight and they’re not doing anything and it’s boring the hell out of Felix.

Jeongin looks at Felix. His cousin had been acting so weirdly for the past few days. It started that night after Changbin and Minho left their apartment.

He will just sat in the living room in front of the television and would have a conversation with the air. It lasted for almost four days if he’s not mistaken. But now… he can see that he’s fine. He’s finally back to normal.

“What do you want to eat?” Jeongin asked while putting his book inside his bag.

“I don’t know. I’ll decide later when we get to the cafeteria.” Felix answered with a shrugged.

While on their way to the cafeteria, their conversation was focused mainly on Han. Because after Felix being weird for almost four days which he didn’t even notice, now, Han was the one acting weird again. Not that he acted normally in front of them— but they just feel like something is up with their other cousin. And he’s not telling them anything, not even a single soul.

“You think he’s still right in the head?” Felix asked and Jeongin tried his best not to laugh.

“You know it too well from the very start that Han is not normal like us right!”

“And you think we are normal?”

“Let’s just make ourselves believe then.” Jeongin said and Felix nodded.

“But you know what? He’s been really acting so differently. Like what happened yesterday, he asked me what it feels like to be kiss my someone and I was like, how the hell would I know that?”

Jeongin nodded his head like there’s really something so interesting with his cousin’s story. “I know right? I mean… why would he even ask you that kind of question when you never kiss anyone?” Jeongin said, clearly teasing Felix.

“Hey! But I do know how to kiss!” Felix said sounding so defensive.

“And I never said you don’t.” Jeongin said in a matter of fact tone.

“But that’s what you’re implying!”

“Nope. You’re the one thinking like that.”

Felix chose to shut his mouth. Until they finally reached the cafeteria, he’s not talking to Jeongin and the latter can’t help but to shake his head. Felix can really be childish sometimes.

“C'mon! Talk to me.” Jeongin said while slightly pulling Felix’s arm.

“Talk to the air.” Felix responded, still not looking at him.

Jeongin let go of Felix and just decided to eat. For sure Felix will still talk to him later. He’ll just wait for it.

Jeongin is busy eating same goes with Felix. Moments later, someone stop in front of them before knocking their table to get their attention.

My hater, my lover [Hyunin AU]Where stories live. Discover now