Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Chan entered their house with a feeling of exhaustion. He just came from a photoshoot event and it took kinda long that he came home in the middle of the night.

He went inside his room to took a quick shower. Chan removed all his clothes before entering his own restroom in his room.

He set the water temperature into warm before taking a shower.

The warm drops of water cascaded on Chan’s body as he pressed his right palm against the wall while his left hand keeps on combing his wet hair where water continues dripping.

His thoughts keeps on wandering about things. He’d been really busy these past few days that he wasn’t able to get complete sleep. Chan’s body is so used to it though. During those times when he was just training to be an idol, he barely sleep. And maybe he get used to it that even now, he can’t sleep easily.

Whenever he lay down in his bed, he would just think of some random things and he wouldn’t notice that it’s already morning again and that he needs to work. His life is just revolving around his work. Nothing more.

After his sister’s death, everything about him changed. And no one ever noticed it. Maybe because he’s too good at hiding his emotions that other people think it is really his true feelings. Sometime even he, himself, can’t recognize if what he’s showing towards others is what he truly feels. Even his own emotions is confusing him sometimes.

After showering, Chan wrapped the towel around his waist before stepping out of the bathroom.

He look through his clothes and after a while, he finally decided to wear a black loose shirt and black cargo pants.

Chan is drying his hair with a towel when his phone suddenly rings.

He quickly grab his phone on the bedside table and he saw that it was Seungmin who’s calling him.

Chan immediately answered the call before sitting on the edge of his bed while still drying his hair.

“Yeah? What is it?” He asked.

“Where are you? Are you home already?” Seungmin always sounded like his mom, seriously.

Chan’s mom already passed away when he was just a kid and he don’t know why but after that, Seungmin— who always love to be alone when he was a kid and even now, never leave his side. He actually felt a bit of irritation towards him before. Because after his mother’s death, he just wanted to be alone. He doesn’t want to talk to anyone. He would just stay inside his room and listen to music. That was his life before. Not until Seungmin suddenly showed up and keeps on bugging him.

Whenever he’s listening to a song, Seungmin would always interrupt him by pulling his earphones away. He almost punched him one time because of being so annoying.

But as time goes by, Chan just became used of his presence. Until he didn’t notice that he’s already acknowledging Seungmin as his best friend.

“Yeah! Don’t worry. I came home safe and sound.” Chan said before putting the towel around his neck.

“Who said I’m worried about you? I just really wanna know. I’m a curious person just so you know.”

My hater, my lover [Hyunin AU]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora