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Her routine was simple as usual.But unlike herself from the past in her teens.She woke up almost late everytime.Whenever she woke up in a lone bed.Missing Sasuke and hoping to have his company by her side it was breaking her.

It seems that her cravings took out her self-esteem everytime she got hungry.She ate so much that Choji can step down on his title.But to her surprise she doesn't like the taste or smell of ketchup and tomato.Which is ironic to say when Sasuke love it.

She also kept herself in her daily exercise to somehow relieve her muscles now that her belly is getting bigger.Tsunade would help her do a proper stretch for the safety of the baby.

There's also one thing that was new to her.She always cry and cry,when she eats she will unconsciously tear up.She thought because she was alone everytime that she feels lonely.So Ino and Naruto accompanied her everytime she eats in the morning or in lunch.But the two blondes would also feel troubled when out of nowhere she would cry.

And much worse when the time she cried whole day,wanting to see Sasuke and begging to see him atleast once.Tsunade would look at her in pity and theres nothing she could do about it.Naruto even told Sasuke about her condition.And her stubborness when she refuse to eat if she didn't see Sasuke.

The Uchiha too was worried.He can't go out in cell and he is chained.But in all honesty Sasuke was close to ripping out the bars in his cell to go to Sakura.Which was thankfully Naruto managed to control him.

Sakura never get to see him as she wishes.She fell asleep when she got exhausted in crying.It took a weeks when she maintained herself to go emotional and with her friends company she relaxed at their concerns.

Ino,Hinata,Tenten and Tsunade,Shizune and some of the Rookies and teachers bought her some baby clothes and toys and Yamato even gifted her a wooden crib.

The clothed was multisex because ofcourse they dont know if its gonna be a girl or boy.The colors were red,white,yellow,black and gray.

Sakura sniffed when she saw the tiny little shoes they gifted her.The clothes were tiny and so cute to her likings.She just can't wait to meet her own child.

The only thing that bothers her was Sasuke.She wants to go labor with him by her side.Its bad enough he was not in her side when she is now pregnant.She hope the council would atleast consider just once to free him and attend her labor.

Kakashi sensei would visit her once in a while.Would tell her stories she missed and then apologize to her.He was happy atleast that his little students are now grown ups.From the start he knew this two would end up together.

He also told her about his positions to be the next Hokage when Tsunade would retire.Which surprises her,she is also proud and thought that Kakashi is suitable for this title minus his laziness sometimes and his obsession with porn books.

Ichiko too lived with her in her cabin.He would sleep by her side everynight and would help her sometimes in her chores.He was starting to be more independent now that he was taught how to cook.Every morning when Sakura wokes up late.She would go downstairs and met him in the dining room arranging their breakfast.

She grew fond of him and she thought of him as her own child.He was kind and appreciative child.He was even excited to meet her 'own' little sibling that he anticipated.In which Sakura was glad.


A knock on her newly made office brought Tsunade back to her consciousness.

"Come in"

The door opened to reveal a silver haired jounin with a girl she never saw or heard about.Tsunade pushed some of the stack paper piles in her way.And tucks some of it in her drawer.

MR. AND MRS.UCHIHA (𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗣𝗟𝗘𝗧𝗘𝗗)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora