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Her body shivered picturing that sane moment.She doesnt need to sense his chakra to know what he feels and how dark his in.


As a naive little girl who is always stuck in a book,learning,memorizing everything but never applying it into skills.This is the first time Sakura has seen Sasuke losing control.

The way he smirks after breaking the poor guy's arms,the scream of agony and pain echoed in her ears.

Sakura silently touches her hair.

"I heard Sasuke-kun like long haired girls"

"Hah!You won't win againts me Billboard brow"


Sakura glanced at Sasuke.After the incident with orochimaru,curse seal,sound ninja,losing control,stopping him.There's many event happening and shes not used to it.

She felt helpless.

"Sakura-chan!!"her train of thoughts broke and stared at Naruto waving infront of her worriedly.

"Sakura-chan!Did ya' cut your hair?What happened to it?"he asked.

Her emerald eyes soften a little.Naruto,the idiot who is oblivous to everything.The idiot who always carry a positive aura.Who can make everything good by using words.

Thank you

"Nah,I just think maybe I should try this new hairstyle.You know changing my image"and then smiled.

His mouth hangs open a bit before closing it and raise his thumbs up.

"It looks good on you,Sakura-chan!!I mean your cute and pretty and I still like you,long hair or short it doesn't matter"he cheepishly scratch the back of his head and blushed.

Oh Naruto,if Im Hinata I would be on the ground right now.She thought.

"Whatever you say,Naruto"she rolled her eyes.And it timed as her eyes landed on a familiar blue shirt.With a familiar duckbutt hair.

After this exam,will you be okay?


"Billboard brow!!!!"

'The pig is here'

'Shut it Inner'

"What now?"

"I thought you are in a break?Ugly"

Its a sunny morning and the only thing she wanted to do right now is to deal with this idiots.

"Reading again?!God!Forehead,is that all your gonna do today?Its noon!"
she exclaimed and puts her hands on her hips.

She thought library were supposed to be a quite place,Where you can be alone and get drowned with all of your annoying worries.

The man in the counter just rolled his eyes and adjusted his glasses,murmuring something in his breath.
'I hate my life so much'

She glanced back at Ino and Sai before closing her books.

"Can you quite it down Ino?Were in a library"

But being a drama queen as she is.She sits soundly infront of her.And she sighed.Fuck library policies.

"I do what I want"

Sai studied the books scattered in the mahogany table and frowns.

"Your knowledge must be very big now Ugly,not to mention your forehead got worked up"Sai smiled

Sakura clutched the book that she's been holding reminding to add a little chakra to it,a vein propped in her head while counting the seconds to not shoved a book to his pale face.

Ino snickered.

Sai proceeds.

"You know,I read it somewhere that the more you spend books the more—"Ino cuts him off.

"Okay,okay Sai enough don't continue it,she's close to beating you right now"

Sai innocently stared at Sakura.

In that Sakura sighed in exhaustion.Working in the hospital under Tsunade shishou's wing is quite enfeeble.

But the exhausting works is worth it in the end.Receiving thank you's,their sighs of relief and tears of joy and their warm smiles after getting healed is enough for me to push and continue doing it,even it means depriving my sleep and strength.

"You know Forehead,you need rest.Looking at you right now,you look like a mother giving birth to an elephant"I glared at her tiredly.

"How about taking a dip in the hot spring?I know you hate shopping but you know,it won't hurt to have a break"
She shrugged.

Oblivous to the two,Sai slowly arranged the books and starts putting it back to the shelfs.

The librarian sighed in relief,I guess he won't do the work after all.

"Ino,I got mission tomorrow and I need to prepare for it and Shizune needed me in the Hospital,you know Shishou has been worked up in the paperworks,she even begged me to grab a sake for her"Sakura puts the book down and glanced at the now empty table.She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Still doesn't change the fact that you need a break!And it's not like your spending your day in the hot spring,just for an hour,ya know"she begged.

Sai chirps"YOLO,some describes it as,You Only Live Once,its a good life lesson,you should try it Ugly"

She stared at him blankly before opening her mouth to protest when Ino cuts her off.

"Besides,without having Naruto in here its better to have a little fun,rather than spending your time in Ichiraku"

Sakura paused.Not liking the center of the attention.

Ever since Naruto goes on a training with his godfather her routine is now,well just full of boring works.Books

She remembered the time when he was here,he would always pester her to eat at Ichiraku and do all those stupid pranks.He would always rant about everything.

And complains about not having a Ramen free coupons.

She smirked.

He would always smile.Thats his trademark.

Suddenly a memory flashed through her eyes.

'I promise,I will bring him back for you Sakura-chan!dattebayo!"

Why?No matter how much she rejects him,why would he still do this?

The guilt are still here but...

She glanced up in the tiny window in the library ignoring Ino's rant.What if everything is still the same.What if I did something.What if Im not weak and helpess,would it changed?

Naruto's grins...

Kakashi's dumb excuses for being late with a porn book in his hands....God Samaritan my ass.

And Sasuke‐

She narrowed her eyes.

'Sakura,Thank you'

Damn you,Uchiha.

If I didn't love you,maybe If I didn't know you,I would not be feeling this way.

Your glares,your brooding emo aura,your scoffed.Your pretentious attitude.

Always thinking how he's better than everyone.

"I dont think Im better,I just know it"

Your 'hn's,which to kami-sama is a cursed.

She closed her eyes.Relishing the reminiscing thoughts.

She can't believe she's saying this but.


You're Annoying


MR. AND MRS.UCHIHA (𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗣𝗟𝗘𝗧𝗘𝗗)Where stories live. Discover now