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Crumbled stones,cracked grounds,messed places,broken Village.Many people was injured and unluckily died.The tents that was for the medical teams and the base camp for the shinobi's was the only place were people was safe.It could have been gotten worse if it weren't for the Uchiha who had arrive with the displeased expression by the Kage's,but in everyones mind,he is still a criminal.

But however they listen to Sasuke's words of helping which is unusual in his nature.Not only that but Tsunade was outrage in the fact that her only student was with him all the time.Because of the situation she never had the time to meet her beloved apprentice.She wont deny that she misses her and would definitely scold her about her actions.But she pushed that thought away and trusted Sakura in handling Naruto.

Hours of battling,and losing.Only one Akatsuki member remained.Tobi or to their surprise named himself Madara Uchiha.Since the rest of the Akatsuki never died by fighting but died by sacrificing.Kisame let himself stuck by the sword of the purples susanoo and locked his shark eyes to the red and purple eye of the Uchiha.He smiled bitterly,he wondered the time Itachi had the same expression as him.He was formidable,Kisame took a respect for him being the young one.

Kisame rememberes the time a thirteen year old boy with a solemn and a lost look was first introduced in the Akatsuki.He was doubtful and confused as to why they started taking a kid in the group but he was not the right person to say when he also enters the akatsuki in his teens.Kisame was partenered with Itachi and he was hard to understand.He knew his stories and his background.And as they fight together by side,he grew fond of him and sometimes treat Itachi like his own little brother.But it all ended up being him sacrificing in the sake of his sins.

A blood dripping from his mouth and in one intake of breath Kisame died with a memories in his head.

The Zetsus was destroyed with the help of the Tsuchikage and the Iwa-nins in their back.Deidara exploded himself,that causes every shock of waves vibrated in the area and almost destroyed the cracked village into dust.All the shinobi taught that the akatsuki bomber was'nt dead but picturing the idea of him blowing up.They knew he would never survive.

Pein and Konan was nowhere to be found.Begrudgingly Tsunade scoff knowing they may have been turned into crisp in the attack.That Akatsuki leader was one of a hell encounter.That even Tsunade was frustrated to say that she never have the chance to finish him along with the girl.

But all means come to an end when the masked 'Madara'was announced to be the lost Uchiha that was known to be dead.Kakashi didn't know what to feel,his sentimental mind never cope up what happened to him and as to why he turned into a monster.But he knows full well,he was at fault.The woman they care about died infront of their eyes.They watched how the life came out of her eyes with the body struck from Kakashi's hand.

The newly awake Kakashi forced himself to fight.Tsunade didn't have the choice but to agree much to her dismay.There stood the broken Obito.Faced by the two once teammates;Naruto and Sasuke.With a full EMS and Naruto's 9-tails,they awknowledge each other with the same as usual battering about everything.Even beyond Naruto's happiness that his 2 teammates came back.At first when he woke up he was met by a pink haired woman he once loved and admire.His eyes filled with tears that he didn't contain himself to launch at her.She also apologized and cried together along with how they missed each others company.

Meeting Sasuke was a little bit conservative to say when he looked into the new and cold two colored eyes Naruto once knew.At first he shoved his feelings and anger from the Uchiha.He was close into yelling at him but in between his profanities Sasuke called him the unacceptable nickname that he clearly misses.Idiot

With his eyes filled with shed tears of solemn he forcefully grab him by Sasuke's shirt and hugs him with a pat in the back.In the Uchiha's displease face and scrunched up eyebrows he pushed Naruto away and the Uzumaki laughed and shakes his head.Somethings never change.

Back to the final battle,every ally,every courage to face the another Uchiha.They were close on winning.Yes with the New Sannin;Naruto,Sasuke and Sakura who now achieved her 100 healing mark.As Tsunade watched her with full of proudness and love.Tsunade contained herself into crying when she saw the same diamond shine from her forehead just like her.She never failed to amuse her and make her proud.Tsunade squeezed Sakura dearly that the pink haired girl was about to die in suffocation,and that was not the worse when her mentor scolded her again but seeing her devastated face along with her friends like Ino who the same as tsunade slapped her.Not for hateness but for their worry she give.

And Sakura knew she deserved it.Every teams,Every Teachers glanced up their chest filled with proud and hope to see the new three sannin.Jiraiya smirked after all his teachings and a little bit of secret lessons the boy finally achieved his best.Oh how proud his parents would be if they see him now.

But the other teams never surrender in being the best in showdown and team efforts.They also did and shine their own team and shows how their team handle a fight cooly.

Sakura stared at the boys ahead of her,she met Sasuke's warm eyes that no one can see.She smiled at him and he lift his lips up.Naruto also was amazed of how her strength had gotten much powerful.Behind his nervous laughter Naruto always feared Sakura even if its just a tease yelling or punching,Naruto would never again dare to mess with her.

Obito never blinked.He never move when he check his surroundings.The war bricks and war splinters everything seems familiar to him.

In a split second a vision flashed at the war ground.

A white boy hands struck to the brunette girls chest.A lightning shines at the tragic moment.A smile full of relieve and two figure who stood still.Stand struck by the scene.One fill with guilt one fill with anger and remorse.

The memory collapsed and changed to the reality.Another scene makes Obito churned up in tears.

There stood an Uchiha with a brood face looking at the Pinkette infront of him.With a face with no emotion,Obito can still see with his dual colored eyes the gaze full of love.It very much duplicated his team,Kakashi and Rin.As he moves his eyes,Obito found his counterpart;Naruto.

Naruto stood at the couples side watching them with a sad smile and longing.His form relaxed but at the same time,Obito knows that Naruto's feelings was meant to be rejected and will stay unaccepted.Just like him.

As the Team 7 stood strong facing him,all of their posture full of confidence infront of him.

Obito smiled.

Rin maybe we could be together in another life.


Who else ship Obito and Rin?

MR. AND MRS.UCHIHA (𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗣𝗟𝗘𝗧𝗘𝗗)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum