"SOMEONE CALL FOR HELP!!!" He screamed.

Ochako was a mess. She couldn't comprehend what was happening. One second they were happy and the next....this.


"YOU BASTARD!! HOW COULD YOU!" Pandora screamed, her voice cracking. "I'm your daughter you sick fuck!!" She cried tears of blood as she felt Izumi slipping. They were both in trouble.

"I have no use for you. You're weak after all.. unfortunate." All for One sounded off. "So easily influenced by that girl. I thought you'd be of more use to me."

She puked blood, mimicking Izumi's outworld reaction. "We had a..deal." she collapsed on the ground.

"Unfortunately for you, I already have what I need. Therefore, best to eliminate you now rather than later. It's just business my dear. Nothing personal."

"Ahhhh!!" she cried in pain. "Damn it Izumi..cough..I'm sorry..please...hold on..cough...or we're both dead..." tears continued to stream.

She stood up, struggling..and raised her hands into the air.
"This is going to hurt, but it's better than dying." She unleashed a torrent of energy from within.


Izumi grew paler as time passed by. Ochako clung to the girl as if her life depended on it. Praying and begging for her to be ok.

Iida had gone to fetch a teacher and Recovery Girl.

Suddenly, Izumi's body was enveloped in red energy, causing the bleeding to stop, but causing her to scream in pain.

"Huh!? Izumi!?? Are you ok!?? Say something please!" Ochako begged.

Suddenly, the light fades. The greenette lays deathly still. Her body regaining some of its former color.

"De...Deku??" Ochako calls out hesitantly, holding a glimmer of hope close.

Her eyes snap open and everyone flinched, stepping away slightly, except for Ochako and Bakugou.

"Deku!" She held her hand, "I'm right here."

"The hell..?" Pandora winces.

"P-Please don't cuss.." Izumi whines.

"Wha.." Ochako starts..

"The.." Bakugou follows..

"......." Todoroki.....stalls...

The two turn to look at him expectantly.

He goes wide eyed.

"Hell?" He forces out.

The two sigh in disappointment and return their attention to the greenette.

"Deku, w-what's going on??" Ochako asked.

"My dad just tried to kill me." Pandora responded, sitting up.

"Hey, lay b-back down. You're injured!" Ochako said, pushing her back down.

"It's ok Chako..sh-she made us better."

"What!? What are you....ohh.." she realized.

"Ohh? What do you mean, ohh?" Bakugou asked angrily.

"It's complicated.." Ochako admits.

"Oh hell no, you're explaining this." He orders.

"Fine..fine...let's just make sure that..Deku is ok." She says.


"And that's all I know." Ochako finishes.

Bakugou, along with the others, stand quietly..in shock..after the explanation.

"So..that's Midori..and P-Pandora?" Mina asked.

"Correct." Pandora smirks.

"That's right Mina." Izumi says politely immediately after.

**Essentially, what is going on is a continuous cycle of free change between the two personalities residing within. Due to this, Izumi's/Pandora's right eye is red and the left is green. Just a little visual factor indicating the blurred line between the two personalities. Though in essence they ARE different individuals. Pandora is meant to inherit All for One. While Izumi has inherited One for All.**

"B-But wait, you said your father was trying to kill you.." Iida asked to clarify.

"Who's your dad?" Jirou inquires.

"Most of you don't know who he is. But his name is, All for One."

"All for One?" Bakugou repeats.

Ochako turns pale.
"H..H.....He....He's y-your father?"

"That's right. I'm the daughter of the Symbol of Evil."


"Relax, it's not like I'm evil too." She rolls her eyes.

"Prove it." Iida urges.

"You're still breathing, engine boy."
Pandora smirks.

"I'm s-s-sorry Iida...I swear I didn't know.." Izumi chimes in.

"Quit butting in!!" Pandora shouts annoyed.

"B-But we have to share.." Izumi whines.

The class looks on in deep concern. As both Izumi and Pandora argue while using the same body. This was odd. But even that was an understatement.

"H-Hey..babe.." Ochako tries to cut in.

"What!?" An unknown mixture of both, answered back.

"You're scaring everyone.."

She looked around at the terrified expression of her classmates..

"I'm sorry.."

Ochako smiled and pulled her into a hug..
"It's ok Deku."

Just as things were beginning to simmer down, a portal opened in the room.

Through it, Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, and several other villains walked through.

"Hello heroes, we've come for All Might's head." Shigaraki proclaimed.

'Oh no..' Ochako thought.


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