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Third person p.o.v
(At the hospital)

Zoe, Rose and Scorpius headed to the hospital after the babies were born, Zoe and Scorpius were of course the first ones to see and hold their new siblings "what's her name?" Scorpius asked he was hold his new baby sister "her name is Emma" Draco said "and what's his name?" Zoe asked she was hold her baby brother who unlike his twin sister was asleep "his name his Jacob" Y/n said.

After they met their siblings they went back home to finish studying for their exam's.

The babies first time home

Zoe and Scorpius were watching a horror movie Zoe hates them and Scorpius loves them the only reason why she was watching was because she had lost a bet with Scorpius everytime there was a jump scare Zoe would hind her face in Scorpius's chest, he had his arm around her shoulders "you okay?" Scorpius asked but he already knew the answer "do I looked okay?" Zoe said Scorpius chuckled, Zoe was paying attention to the movie any more because she had fallen asleep on Scorpius's chest.

The front door opened and Scorpius turned around Draco and Y/n walked into the house each was carrying a carry with the twins sound asleep inside, Scorpius turned off the movie "are you scaring Zoe again?" Draco asked "I was but then she fall asleep because she no fun" Scorpius said "well can you at least shut the door" Y/n asked, Scorpius gently layed Zoe's head on a pillow and covered her with his blanket then closed the front door.

Draco and Y/n sat the twins car seats on the kitchen table Jacob woke up and started crying which then woke up Emma, Scorpius undid Emma's belt and picked her up and tried to rock her back to sleep but with Jacob still crying it was impossible to do Y/n picked up Jacob and rocked him back to sleep. The twins were feed and asleep "so have you figured out where the twins are sleeping?" Zoe asked, the house was only three bedrooms and four baths "uh, well we were thinking in one of your guys room" Draco said.

"But was have school so we're up all night already" Zoe said "Zoe I think they mean one of us or maybe both of us have to moved out" Scorpius said "move out" Zoe said "yeah you guys could buy a apartment and share it or stay with a friend" Y/n said "I'm have an exam I need to study for" Zoe said and left the table "Zoe!" Scorpius called after her.

Scorpius looked from Y/n to Draco and ran after Zoe, Scorpius opened the door, Zoe was in the shower by the sound of the water running. Scorpius sat down on her bed and waited until she came out, she was wearing a black oversized t-shirt with grey bed shorts, she layed down next to Scorpius "if you have to move out then I will to" he said Zoe looked up at him "you just saying that to make me feel better" she said "I'm being serious, I'll go with you anywhere you wanna go" Scorpius said while looking down at his little sister.

Zoe smiled and nodded her head "that sounds like fun" she said, they both slowly drifted off to sleep. Scorpius and Zoe started looking for a small apartment by their college, they had both appild to the same college and both got expected, they didn't know until they ran into each other in the hall way. When they had got the apartment the two of the moved out of their parents house and into their own house.

Rose and Ablus came around on their first night, Rose stayed after dinner but Ablus left, Rose and Ablus weren't in a college near by or even in college.

When the two of them weren't studying late for an exam, they had a movie night or just talked in one of their rooms. It was good having each other around, one would always make sure that the other wasn't up all night or up to late just to finish an essay for study. It was normally Scorpius that made sure that Zoe wasn't up late or all night since she had a tendency to do that. And when Scorpius went to parties she was his drive there and back, she didn't go to parties and would she did she never drink.

She was only there to watch out for Scorpius, or if she really had to study she picked him up when it get late, she was always there of him and he was always there for her. If people didn't know any better then they would think that the two were dating since they went almost everywhere together and did almost everything together. It was hard for Zoe to bring guys home since they thought she and Scorpius were a thing, so she gave up on trying to find boyfriend.

When it was just the two of them they would do the craziest things and would offen get drunk.

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