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Y/n p.o.v

Zoe and I were over at Draco's house, Draco had invited us over for dinner which was very nice of him, we talked about a few things here and there but the conversation never really lastest long. Once dinner was ready I called the kids to the dinning room "thank you for inviting us" Zoe said "no problem" Draco said, we stayed for a little bit after dinner because Scorpius and Zoe wanted to hangout longer.

Me and Zoe were heading to the car, Scorpius was racing Zoe to the car Draco grabbed my wrist "um, I was thinking maybe we could go on a date sometime" he said "sure that'd be nice" I said, Draco let go of my wrist. Zoe and I got into the car a drove off, when we got home Zoe ran straight to her room, I texted Draco a date that would be perfect for the both of us and he agreed.

The day of the date

I was looking in the mirror Zoe walked into my room "you look nice, where are you going?" She asked "on a date" I said "oh really, with who?" She asked while going through my jewelry box "Draco" I said and looked over at her.

"Okay have fun" Zoe called when Draco got here "good night" I said and left the house, I trusted Zoe to stay home alone after all she was 13. We got to the restaurant and sat down at a table that overlooked the ocean that was pitch black, we order our drinks and food. While we were wanting we talked about anything, there was a slow song playing, Draco stood up "may I have this dance?" He asked making my giggling softly "yes you may" I said and grabbed his hand.

Draco was a great dancer better then me, after the song ended Draco took me home "I'll see you tomorrow" Draco said "okay, bye" I said then went into the house, it was still standing and everything was clean "hey mom, how'd it go?" Zoe asked "good, what are you still doing up?' I said, Zoe took off running to her bedroom.

The next morning
(Draco's p.o.v)

Scorpius seemed to be more interested in my date with Y/n more then any other date that I've been on "why are you asking so many questions?" I asked "because I like her and want to know how it want" he said "fine" I said. I drove Scorpius to school and saw him walk up to his friends Rose, Zoe and Albus, I parked in my usual parking spot and headed I to the big white and glass building.

I was busy running around and doing so many different things that I had completely forgotten about picking up Scorpius, I run out of work and drove as fast as I could to the school "your late" Scorpius said but didn't sound mad "sorry buddy" I said "were you with Y/n?" He asked "no" I said "then I'm mad at you" Scorpius said. He hasn't been talking to me all week "I'm going out" I said and left the house.

I picked Y/n up and we headed to the movies, after the movie was finished we grabbed something to eat quickly and then headed back home.

A month later
(Third person p.o.v)

It had been a month and Y/n and Draco started dating the kids were overwhelmed by the news, Y/n was staying at Draco's house Zoe was in Scorpius's room with him when the two kids heard yelling and shouting coming from Draco's room, the kids stack their heads out of the bedroom door and could now heard the whole argument between Y/n and Draco.

Y/n grabbed Zoe's wrist and left the Malfoy's house, Zoe didn't want to leave or want Draco and her to break up but things weren't liking so good in their relationship at the moment.

Scorpius looked at Draco then slammed his bedroom door shut on his face, Scorpius hated the idea that he might not have a mom or a little sister to protect anymore, Scorpius had grown to love Zoe as a little sister and now things weren't looking like they were supposed to. Zoe was five months younger then Scorpius, the two of them had gotten their wish for a while to have a big brother and a little sister.

The two kids were texting back and forth that night thinking about the life that they could have had, that's when an idea popped into their heads they needed to find a way to bring Y/n and Draco back together again so that they could be a family.

The next morning at school
(Third person p.o.v)

Zoe and Scorpius talked to Rose and Albus about their plan on how to get Y/n and Draco together again, when Rose and Albus heard about Y/n and Draco they felt sorry for their friends so they agreed to help, pulse they liked to see Y/n and Draco together.

Rose told Ron and Hermione about the plan and they agreed to help as well, Albus told Harry and Ginny as well and like the kids and Ron and Hermione they agreed to help, the girls told Luna and she like everyone else agreed to help. Everyone wanted to see Y/n and Draco back together without each other they looked so depressed, so they all teamed up together and worked together in order to make this whole plan that Scorpius and Zoe had work.

There was a few rules but the most important one was to never make what they were trying to do noicteable to Y/n and Draco.
Once everything was planed and the rules were set the only thing left was trying to make this work without noticeable about it.

Zoe and Scorpius know that they shouldn't have but they did they get their hopes up, if this didn't work out they would still be friends and nothing more.

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