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Zoe's p.o.v

Tonight me, Harry and Scorpius we're going to put the next part of the plan I to action with the help of Ginny and Hermione. After school me, Scorpius, Ablus and Rose headed to were all our parents worked, my and Rose headed to my mom's office which was right next to Harry's since she was he personal assistant, the boys were going to work out some of the details of the plan while we keto mom busy by talking to her.

Draco's p.o.v

Last night was werid and akward for me and Y/n because of the stupid fight and breakup, Harry called me into his office saying he needed to talk to me and that it was important, I walked into his office, I was scared I didn't want to be fried "Malfoy, I want you to install carma's all around the office things have started to go missing and I want to know who's doing it" he said I sighed in relief of not being fried "yes, sir" I said and went to install the carma's in all the rooms on the second floor which was the floor that Harry's office and Y/n's office was in, since she was inside her office I was going to install her carma last.

Ablus's p.o.v

The girls came running into Harry's office "we got it" Rose said while holding up Y/n's purse "good now we just have to want for everyone to leave after work" I said and everyone nodded their heads.

Ginny's p.o.v

Me, Hermione, Luna and Y/n were sitting at our usual lunch table I was supposed to suggest that we go out tonight and Luna and Hermione were to agree with that as part of the plan, "you guys know what we should go out tonight just us girls" I said "yeah," Hermione said "sounds good but your paying Y/n since you own us all something" Luna said "fine" Y/n agreed.

Hermione's p.o.v

Before we all left I was supposed to point out that Y/n's purse was missing "Y/n where's your purse?" I asked Y/n's eyes widened "I left it in my office I'll be right back" she said "we'll met you downstairs" Luna said "okay I'll be quick" Y/n said and disappeared into the detention of her office.

When she left we all headed downstairs, Harry, Ablus and Scorpius we're down here waiting on Rose and Zoe.

Rose's p.o.v

When Y/n and to lunch me and Zoe had out Y/n's purse back I to it's old place, we waited around the corner, Draco entered her office.

Great all we need now is for Y/n to enter I thought.

Y/n went inside her office room, me and Zoe ran and slammed her office door shut and locked it, we had also removed the lock from the inside of her door, so she can't unlock it. Harry had also turned the WiFi off in the whole building.

Y/n's p.o.v

When I walked into my office I found my purse but that wasn't the only thing that I found Draco was installing a carma inside my office the door slammed shut we both run to the door but it couldn't open from the inside, well at least not anymore.

Just great I thought.

I had an idea I pulled out my phone and tried to call the girls, Harry and Zoe but nothing "no WiFi" I said "well that's just great" Draco said, he sat down on my couch while I sat down on my chair.

Harry's p.o.v

I had Draco install carma's all over the office but they didn't need WiFi to work, me, Hermione, Ginny, Zoe, Rose, Luna, Ablus and Scorpius all headed to my office we looked at the carma's, I stopped on the one that said Y/n's office. There wasn't a red light telling them that it was recording anything so they didn't know that we were watching them from a carma.

Y/n's p.o.v

As the night went on I had no other choice but to talk to Draco, to be honest I was happy that we were talking again it just didn't feel right not talking to each other, especially since our kids were friends we had to try and make it workout a little, for them.

I eventually moved to sat next to Draco on the couch, it reached 12:09an, my eyelids begin to feel tried, I eventually fell asleep with my head on Draco's shoulder, his arm was wrapped around my shoulders.

When I woke up Draco was still fast asleep, the sunlight was filling into my office, the door opened which caused Draco to wake up, it was harry "have you been here all night?" He asked "yes, the door randomly shut and the lock on the inside was removed" I said while standing up "I'll get that fixed you two go home shower, sleep, eat and spend time with the kids" Harry said "what about work?" Draco asked "you have the day off, I'll still pay you though" Harry said.

When I got home Zoe came running out of her room with a worried look on her face that immediately changed into one of a smile "your okay" she said "yeah I'm okay" I told her. I spent the rest of the day with Zoe and it felt okay, we haven't had a day that we actually spent time together since she was about 3-years-old.

Zoe's dad was never around, I had gotten pregnant with Zoe my last year of college because of a one night stand.

Draco's p.o.v

When I got home Scorpius was still asleep, I got something to eat then took a shower, I was sitting on the couch watching TV when Scorpius came out of his room rubbing his sleepy eyes "hey dad" Scorpius said and sat down next to me. I spent the rest of the day with Scorpius, I haven't spent that much time with him since my mom Narcissa had died

Scorpius's mom left when he was only 7-days-old, I felt like it was my fault, we had gotten into a fight about something I can't remember and she left and never came back not even for Scorpius.

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