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Two weeks until the wedding

We had agreed on a summer wedding and also agreed on were it well be hold and what time, it was a suitable time for everyone and so was the day, me and Zoe were writing the invitations for everyone, the boys went out for the day doing god knows what. The invitations were white with a gold seal we wrote with quill pens, it was Zoe's idea "so are you excited?" I asked "yeah, I wish I was younger" she said "why?" I looked up at her "I would have liked to be the flower girl" she said I laughed.

After we finished writing the invitations for everyone which wasn't a lot of people. There was Harry, Ginny and thier kids who if they wanted could bring a plus one Luna and her family and her boys could also bring thier girlfriends Hermione and Ron, and of course their kids with their pulse one. We delivered the invitations to they house and went back home.

Rose's p.o.v

I was sitting in my room when my mom called me from downstairs, I run downstairs in fear that I was in trouble for something that I didn't again "yes mom" I said while leaning over the island in the kitchen "can you check the mail?" She asked I sighed in relief "yeah sure" I grabbed my shoes and headed outside, I opened the mail box and looked through the mail, my eyes widened when I saw the invite to the wedding.

Was it really that soon? I thought.

I headed back inside and headed the invite to mom before the other mail "Ron it's there!" Mom yelled making both me and Hugo jump, dad came downstairs with a confused look on his face "what's here?" He asked me and Hugo brust out laughing, mom smacked dad on the arm "the wedding invitation you idiot" she said while handing it to him. Dad pulled out the invitation, after he read it he looked up with wide eyes "I forget about that" he said and placed the invite on the counter.

I picked it up and flipped the card over reading what was written on the back, the writing was nice and neat.

Your invited to Y/n and Draco's wedding

Time: 5:30am-11:00pm
Place: Hollow Woods

Bring a plus one each

I smiled to myself, I wasn't going to bring a plus one to the wedding, I headed upstairs and texted with the group chat and asking if they were going to bring a plus one all of them said no expect for Scorpius, my heart sank when I read that he had someone in mind. I had a crush on Scorpius ever since I met him and I still had until this very day. I always tried to push those feelings for him aside since I know that he wouldn't like me, but it was hard to ingorn the butterflies that he gave me.

I had just gotten out of the shower when my phone buzzed I picked it up and looked at the text I head just received it was from Scorpius I clicked opened and read the text.

Hey I'm having trouble asking my plus one out can you help?


How should I do it?

Maybe try and ask her out by taking her on a date

K thanks


I closed my phone and sighed I should be happy that he has someone in mind I just wished that I was that person. I fall asleep that night thinking about what it would be like to be Scorpius's plus one to the wedding.

Scorpius's p.o.v

I had told the group that I had someone in mind for my pulse one, I didn't lie I did but I was scared to ask her out, Zoe came running into my room "Is your plus one going to be Rose?" She asked, she knew about my cursh on Rose since we were friends "no of course not" I said "oh that's a shame" she said and left my room. I didn't like laying to Zoe but I just did.

I opened my phone and clicked on Rose's contact, I was pretending to ask her how to ask my plus one out, but I was just trying to get an idea on how to ask her out. She said to ask her out on a date, I fall asleep feeling hopeful and happy.

That night

I got ready all nice and drove to Rose's house I knocked on her door and lucky for me she was the one who answered it "you look nice" she said "thanks" I said "can I take you for a drive?" I asked "sure let me grab my shoes" she said and went back upstairs to get her shoes. She got into the car and I drove to the same place that overlooked the beach that dad took me, Y/n and Zoe out for dinner after they had gotten engaged and it was the same place that had their very first slow dance together.

A slow song played and I stood up and hold out my hand "would you like to dance with me?" I asked "I would love to" Rose and and grabbed my hand I lead her to the dance floor, my hands were on her waist and her arms were around my neck, we danced to the whole song. After everything I payed for the food with my money we got back into the car and I drove in the opposite direction of her house "umm, my house is the other way" Rose said while looking at me with a confused look on her face "I know, the drive isn't over yet" I said.

I parked the car at the very top of a hill and got out Rose stayed inside the car very confused, I opened her car door she got out I calmed onto the hood of my car she sat next to me just like Zoe did when we tried to get our parents back together, the sun was setting and you could see the whole twin for above there, the sky was pink and purple and it made everything look ten times more beautiful. After the sun had set I hopped off of the hood and helped Rose down.

Before she got back into the car I had blurted out something that I had been really meaning to say this whole time "Rose I really like you a lot and I was hoping that you'd be my plus one to the wedding?" I asked Rose stopped turned around and looked at me she had a smile on her face "I would love to" she said and hugged me.

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