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The end of summer
(Third person p.o.v)

It was the last day of summer and Zoe and Scorpius had failed their mission, Y/n and Draco were still only dating, everyone was over at Ron and Hermione's house, it was the last day of summer bbq, it has always been something they did on the last day of summer. Y/n was talking with Luna, Hermione and Ginny, Scorpius, Ablus and Luna's boys were talking, Rose and Zoe were hanging out with Lexi and Lilly, Hugo was with Ron.

When the final of was ready everyone sat down outside the sun was setting so Hermione turned on the fairy lights that we're hanging above the table. Everyone was talking with at least two people at one time. After dinner everyone left Ron and Hermione's house since the kids had school the next morning, Rose, Ablus, Zoe and Scorpius were going into 8th grade Hugo and Lilly we're going into second grade, James was going into 10th grade and Luna's boys were going into 12th grade.

The first day of school
(Ablus's p.o.v)

I was woken up by dad yelling at me to got up, I got up and ready then headed downstairs "have you seen Lilly I need to do her hair?" Mom asked "no" James said "hi mommy" Lilly said from behind mom, mom finished doing Lilly's hair, dad left for work after I got up so mom was talking me, James and Lilly to school.

Mom dropped off James first then she dropped me off, standing at the front entrance of the school was Rose, Zoe and Scorpius "what took so long?" Rose asked "I have two siblings" I said. The first class already was tiring how was I supposed to go to seven more classes today. When lunch came I sat down next to Ablus and Rose "how were your guys classes?" I asked "they all sucked" Ablus said "they weren't that bad" Rose said, I heard Zoe yelling a few foot away from our table.

"I fucking hate school" she said while sitting down next to Rose "why?" Rose asked "my math teacher gave us homework on the first day" Zoe said while picking at her food, after school mom didn't pick me up so I texted her saying that I was going to Rose's house instead. Me and Rose went into her room, for our math period our teacher gave us homework as well. It wasn't fun doing homework on the first day back to school but my grades weren't to good so this year I needed to get them up.

Five years later
(Third person p.o.v)

Everyone was in Luna's backyard for Lexi's birthday party she was turning five today, everyone was wishing her a happy birthday. Lexi's birthday was a few days before school ended for the kids, Luna brought out the cake and everyone song happy birthday to Lexi who checks were bright red, Lexi blow out her candles and then everyone had a piece of cake, Lexi then opened her gifts and thanked everyone for them. Before everyone left they all wished her a happy birthday and then left.

Two weeks later
(Y/n's p.o.v)

Me and Draco had been dating for six years now and nothing has happened, I wasn't complaining about it though, the kids now were 18-years-old. They were looking for colleges to go to. Zoe had applied to two already while Scorpius has having trouble with which one to go to, they both were very smart kids so they had nothing to worry about.

Draco wasn't working today but I was Harry needed more paperwork done tonight since they were due tomorrow "and there is the last bit of it" Harry said while sitting some more paperwork down on the table "good night" Harry said then left my office "night" I whispered to myself and began to work.

Draco's p.o.v

I had asked help for everyone except for Y/n since I needed help with asking her to marry me, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Zoe and Rose helped set up the place were I was going to prepose to her Harry had told Y/n that he needed paperwork done by tonight for tomorrow morning but it was just to keep her distracted, Ron was watching Lilly, Hugo and Lexi. Ablus, Scorpius, James and Luna's boys were out buying the food.

After the place was set up and the food was cooked Harry went back to the office and told Y/n that he had made a mistake and they weren't sure until another week and sent her home. Zoe and Scorpius were waiting outside for her, I was standing at the place were I was going to prepose to her.

Zoe's p.o.v

Mom and I had moved in with Draco and Scorpius after they had been together for a year. When mom left for work Draco came into Scorpius's room and told both of us that he was going to prepose, me and Scorpius have been waiting for this moment for five years and now it was finally going to happen he asked us to help and of course we weren't going to say no.

When mom got home me and Scorpius were waiting outside "hey guys, is something worng?" She asked "no, umm dad went out" Scorpius said, I pulled mom into the house and into her room. We had a light blue dress and silver heels waiting for her on the bed, I had an idea for hair and makeup, mom looked at me then the clothes on her bed "what's all this?" She asked "something" I said "there go change" I handed her the dress and heels and pushed her into her bathroom.

When she came out I spin her chair around "you look nice, now sit down" I said she sat down but looked very confused about what was going on, I put her hair into a middle then did that into a bun, I curled the hair that was left down, I put a some light blue butterfly into her hair. I did her makeup her eyeshadow was light blue, the rest of her makeup was light.

I lead mom back outside and Scorpius was waiting outside of a black car, he opened the backseat door and mom got inside, Scorpius was going to drive her the the place were Draco was going to prepose at. After thet left I waited a little then texted Rose she picked me up and we drove to the place, Hermione, Harry, Luna and Ablus were already there.

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