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Sunday afternoon
(Third person p.o.v)

It was Sunday and it also happened to lean on an event at the kids school which meant that Y/n and Draco would have to see each other again since the fight which had been a month ago, yes it took everyone that long to plane and agree on things.

Zoe's p.o.v

I got into the car with my mom she drove to the school, she parked the car and we got out, I sighed in and found my table at the very back, Scorpius and I told our parents that this was something they had to do for a grade and the grade was would be even better if the parents came. It wasn't really something to do with your grade this was just for fun and stuff, but they believed it anyways.

When I was all set up I waited for Scorpius and Draco to come, we had chose tables right next to each other so that way they had to at least look at each other, when Scorpius and Draco came mom didn't even pay any attention she just opened her phone and went it facebook, I said hi to Draco Scorpius pulled me aside "what are we going to do?" Scorpius asked "I have an idea" I said. We walked back to our parents and stood by our tables I looked from mom to Draco he was talking with Ron, I have Ron a look telling him to leave, he must have got it because he left now Draco was just standing there.

"Look even if the two of you hate each other you at least have to try to for me and Scorpius" I said mom looked up from her phone and looked at me then Scorpius, me and Scorpius pulled our best puppy dogs eyes, Draco and mom looked at each other for the first time in months "fine" they both said at the same time.

That was a good start I thought.

After our school event mom and I headed to grab some food out, after that we headed home, after dinner we both headed to our bedrooms, I pulled out my phone immediately and texted Scorpius. The plan was starting to go smoothly.

The next morning

I woke up and headed to the kitchen, mom had left a note on the table saying that she left early for work and to just eat something easy for breakfast I headed to my room and changed when I was done I texted Scorpius to met me at the crossing light, Scorpius was there before I was.

I couldn't wait for the day to end I needed the second part of our plan to be put into action by tonight no other day, when school was over I headed to my room and changed into something nice "why are you so dressed up?" Mom asked "oh, didn't I tell you we're going out to dinner I already made a reservation" I said "okay fine give me one minute" she said and headed into her room, I waited for her to get ready as I was doing so I texted Scorpius and asked how things were over there.

When mom came out we headed to the car "where is this place?" Mom asked "it's that restaurant by the beach that only opens at night" I said "but that place is really pricey, and that's where people go for dates" mom said "so, pulse the table and food are already payed for" I said "by who?" Mom asked "it doesn't matter just drive" I said and looked out the window. When we got there the waiter lead us to our table, it had a white table cloth, a vase of red roses, and candle in the middle next to the roses and four chairs "was this the only table opened?" Mom asked "yes, but we'll be sharing with two other people" I said "who?" Mom asked "I don't know they wouldn't tell me" I said.

Scorpius's p.o.v

We finally made it to the restaurant, only two minutes late, when we got there the waiter asked for our name "Malfoy" I said the waiter nodded his head and lead us to our table, Zoe and Y/n were already there "what are they going here?" Dad asked "I guess their the people we're sharing with" I said which was a lie.

Harry had hooked us with this place, he payed for the table and food already, he was the guy that was going to pay for anything we needed for the plan. Before we sat down Zoe have me a hug, the hug was planned but it didn't feel that way, we sat down and order our food, after we finished eating we all started talking with each other, dad and Y/n were talking a little bit from time to time which was nice since they hadn't talked since the fight.

As we were talking a slow song began to play "we should all dance" Zoe said "a slow song is for two people" Y/n said "yeah I know, I'll dance with Scorpius and you'll dance with Draco" Zoe said and grabbed my arm and pulled me on to the face floor with her, I put my hands on other side of her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck "this doesn't feel right" I whispered to her "I know but it's all part of the plan remember" she said I nodded my head.

Draco and Y/n came onto the dance floor and started dancing, after the song ended we all headed back to our seats. We were heading out "we should do this again" I said "yeah, don't you guys think?" Zoe asked while looking from dad to Y/n "umm, maybe not" dad said.

Well that's a bummer I thought.

When we headed home I texted my new group chat it had Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Ron, Luna, Ablus, Zoe and Rose on it. Me and Zoe told them how it went and thanked Harry for paying for us.

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