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Y/n's p.o.v

I had worked late and didn't sleep right when I got home, I woke up to the sound of  Zoe yelling "YOU FUCKING PIECE SHIT!" I walked out of my room and into the kitchen "what are you yelling about?" I asked while making a cup of coffee "sorry mom, this thing isn't working" Zoe said while trying to use the toaster oven, I spotted the problem the toaster oven wasn't plugged in "did you try plugging it in?" I said while sitting on the couch "oh, thanks mom" Zoe said while plugging it in "teenagers" I said while shutting my bedroom door.

I didn't have work today, so I'm able to drop Zoe off, Zoe got into the car "I'm going to the store need anything tell me now" I said Zoe blucked her seatbelt and nodded her head "candy" she said and pulled out her phone "anything else?" I asked "nope, just candy" she said, I dropped her off and watched her walk up to steps, she walked into the school with some boy that had white hair.

I parked the car and grabbed my purse and headed into the store, I was down the alley that had candy and popcorn I looked around for Zoe's favorite candy, jolly ranchers I found a small bag and threw it into the basket, on the other side of the ally was a men with the same white hair as the boy who met Zoe at the entrance of the school. He threw a box of microwave popcorn into his basket which was full of other kids of sweets. After I get all the things I needed I headed to checkout line number five, there was a few people there but not many, in front of me was the same men from the popcorn and candy ally he turned around and grabbed a small bag of chips.

After I went to the store I headed straight home and unpacked the stuff, at 2:20 I headed to the school to pick up Zoe "how was school?" I asked when she was in the car "okay, I'm going to a friend's house for a sleepover" she said "oh really, is it Rose?" I asked "no" she said and continued to text on her phone "then which one of your friends is it?" I asked "a new one, you haven't met him yet" she said. Zoe finished her homework quicker then she was ever before I was doing the dishes when Zoe came out of her room "hey mom can you drive me?" She asked "yeah sure, just let me finish the dishes" I said "okay" she sat down on a chair and played with padfoot her dog.

I drove to Zoe's friends house "so can I met him and his parents?" I asked "uh sure, and it's just him and his dad" she said and looked back down at her phone, once we got there Zoe knocked on the door the same men from the store opened it "hey Zoe come in" he said Zoe walked inside the house "you know my daughter?" I said "yeah she was here yesterday" he said "I'm Draco Malfoy, by the way" he said and held out his hand "I'm Y/n Y/l/n" I said and shock his hand.

I met Scorpius and then left, I didn't know why they were having a sleepover on a school night but is was probably best since I had to left for work before Zoe got up.

The next morning

I got into my car and drove to work, I work at an office that's only a few blocks away from the house, I'm the personal assistant to the owners son, he's only 29, I was in the lunch room sitting with my friends Hermione, Ginny and Luna "I heard that we're getting a new coffee runner" Luna said "I heard that he's hot" Ginny said "there just rumors guys, there probably not real" Hermione said "what's his name?" I asked "Draco Malfoy" Luna said "my daughter's friends with his son" I said "really, your lucky" Ginny said.

I was grabbing lunch for the owners son Harry when I bumped into someone "I'm so sorry" I said "no it's my fault" he said I immediately realized that I was talking to Draco "oh hey, Y/n" he said while helping me pick up the few papers I had in my hand "hey" I said "I'm in a hurry" I said and left to Harry's office. I had known the girls since school along with the whole Weasley family and the potter's, are kids are now best friends.

Draco's p.o.v

I work as a coffee runner and a late night cleaner at this very fancy office building, it really wasn't my dream job but it payed good money and I had Scorpius to look after as well, I didn't sleep at all last night because Zoe and Scorpius were up all night giggling like carzy. I eventually told them to shut up and got to sleep for school, I wasn't paying any attention to were I was going and bumped into someone, "I'm so sorry" she said "no it's my fault" I said I then knew I was talking to Y/n "oh hey, Y/n" I said while helping her pick up the few papers she had in her hand when I bumped into her "hey" she said "I'm in a hurry" she said and left to Harry's office.

Even if it was just for a few seconds I felt all warm and fuzzy inside well talking to her. I was working late again and Y/n agreed to watch Scorpius for me, I own her big time.

I grabbed a broom, dustpan, mop, bucket, disinfectant wipes and some paper towels, I began cleaning the whole office there was one other man cleaning with me I got to know him as  George, hi little sister Ginny worked here. I also found out that George's twin brother Fed had died in a car crush by a drank driver, and grow up with five other siblings and how twin brother of course, all together there was seven kids under one roof, I felt sorry of him I was an only child growing up and didn't know what it felt like to lose a sibling, especially a twin.

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