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Y/n's p.o.v

Today was the wedding day I had spent the night at Hermione's house while Harry and Ablus went over mine and Draco's house, Zoe was here as well, Hermione, Zoe and Rose brought my breakfast into my room for me "eat up you have to shower and everything" Hermione said, after I finished eating I took and shower and changed into a black t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. Zoe and Rose got into the backseat of the car while I got into the front with Hermione, when we got there the place was beautiful "come on mom you'll see it again later" Zoe and while pulling on my arm.

When we got into my dressing room Luna, Lexi, Lilly and Ginny were already there all of them in their every day clothes "the dresses are in the trunk" Rose said. Someone came and did everyone's hair which took at least two hours since Lilly and Lexi weren't that still, then someone else did are makeup which took at least two to three hours since Rose, Lilly, Zoe and Lexi weren't used to having it on, after everything was done we got Lexi, Lilly, Rose and Zoe into their dresses first then we all got into our own ones, everyone got there shoes one Luna handed Lexi the basket "okay before Y/n walks out your going to walk down the aisle and threw the flower patlise down okay" Lexi nodded her head.

The music started to play and my bridesmaids walked down the aisle, then my music played Lexi went out I could see her, she threw the flower petals here and there she stood next to Luna and I then walked down the aisle, My family and the Weasley's were there they all stood up, all the groomsmen were standing next to Draco. We said our own vows to each other, after we kissed we cut the cake all the wedding stuff. I changed out of my dress, Hermione was going to watch the kids while Draco and I were on our honeymoon "speaking of Scorpius were is he?" Draco asked "has anyone seen Rose?" Ron asked.

Scorpius's p.o.v

After the wedding part I went looking for Rose I found her by the food table "you looked nice" I said "thanks, so do you" she said "follow me" I said and lead her down to a small pound that I had found a few weeks before the wedding. The sun had set and it shined on the water, you could no longer hear the voices for people talking to each other at these wedding. I had set up fairy lights last night when dad and Harry had fallen asleep, there was a blanket on the grass that I had set down after the wedding.

Rose sat down on the blanket and looked around "it's beautiful, did you do this?" She asked "yeah, I did" I sat down next to her, the light that was shining from the moon and the fairy lights made her pretty brown eyes sparkle, I had brought her out here to at least try and kiss her "Rose?" I said she turned her head towards me "yeah" she said I slowly leaned in, our lips met and it felt magical, but the moment didn't last long "Scorpius?" I heard the sound of Zoe's voice my new little sister.

Me and Rose pulled away from each other quickly "your parents are looking for you" she said while pointing at Rose, Rose got up and dusted off her dress "I'm gonna go" Rose said and left "sorry" Zoe said "it's okay" I said and got up as we were walking back I asked Zoe "where did you know we were out there?" She looked at me "I didn't I saw the lights" she said I nodded my head.

When we got back we said goodbye to mom and dad "bye have fun" Zoe called "bye be good" dad called back. We waved as they drove off "when can I go on a honeymoon?" Lexi asked making us all laugh "when your older" Luna's husband said and picked her up, I was surprised that she hadn't fallen asleep yet.

We got to Hermione and Ron's house "Zoe you and Rose and sharing a room and Scorpius you can have the guest room" Ron said "okay" me and Zoe said at the same time. I headed up to the guest room and unpacked my bag, mom and dad were going to be gone for a whole week. After I finished unpacking and taking a shower there was a knock at me door "come in" I said Rose walked into the room and her eyes widened that's when I remembered that I only had a towel around my waist.

"Sorry" Rose said while turning around I felt my checks heat up "it's okay, it's my fault" I said and put on some black sweatpants and a grey hoodie "you can turn around now" I said when Rose turned around her checks were still a bright shade of red "did you need something?" I asked "I just came to say good night" Rose said "you could have just texted that, but no you wanted to see him in person" Zoe said now leaning on the door frame Rose and I rolled our eyes "good night Rose" I said "uhh, where's my good night?" Zoe asked "I'll text you" I said "how rude" Zoe said then left.

A week later

I had started dating Rose and things were going good there a was knock at my bedroom Zoe walked right into my room "I could have been changing" I said "but you weren't" she said "but what if I was?" I asked "that doesn't matter mom and dad are here to pick us up" she said. Me and Zoe left home "when we got home I have something to tell you guys" Mom said "is it why you came home two days before you should have?" Zoe asked "it's the reason" dad said.

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