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Nine months later
(Y/n's p.o.v)

Luna had just given birth to her only little girl, Hermione, Ron, Hugo and Rose went inside and saw the baby then Harry, Ginny, Lilly, James and Ablus and finally me, Draco, Scorpius and Zoe went inside, Luna was laying on the hospital bed, the little girls was fast asleep in Luna's arms "what's her name?" Scorpius asked "her name is Lexi Ann Scamander" Luna husband said "that's a beautiful name" Zoe said "thank you Zoe" Luna said.

After that we went back to Draco's house, Zoe and Scorpius ran into his room, Draco and I had started dating two months ago, I changed inyo my Pajamas and got into bed, I rested my head on Draco's chest one of his hands were wrapped around my waist while the other was running through my hair "I want a kid" Draco said softly "you already have one" I said while closing my eyes "I know but I want one with you" he whispered, that made me smile "we'll see" I whispered, Draco kissed my head.

"Good night love" he said "night" I said and finally fall into a peaceful sleep.

The last day of school
(Zoe's p.o.v)

It was the last day of school thank god i didn't think I could last one more day in school, I grabbed my backpack and met up with Rose, Ablus and Scorpius by the tursh cans, we all unzipped our backpacks and threw all of our books and anything else that was in our backpacks into the tursh cans. We walked to the ice cream shop since that and the park weren't to far away from the school, me and Rose got a strawberry ice cream on a cone with the boys got chocolate.

Fr the ice cream shop we walked down to the beach "I wish we could go in the water"Rose said "me to" I agreed "let's go and got your families and came back to the beach" Ablus said "yes" we all said "but after we finish our ice creams right?" Scorpius asked "of course" Ablus said,l. After we finished our ice cream cones we went out own ways, I got my swimsuit on which was a black one piece and got mom and headed to the beach in Draco's car, he came and picked us up which was nice. Scorpius and I had a new plan it was to get mom and Draco married by the end of summer.

Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Rose, Hugo, Lilly, Ablus and James were already there and playing together, me and Scorpius raced down to the beach. Ablus, Scorpius and Rose were one team and Lilly, Hugo and James was other team I wasn't in the water, they were having a splash fight, Scorpius came and sat down next to me on the sand "I have water in my eyes" he said "that's why I didn't play" I said.

Scorpius and Ablus let me and Rose burry them in the sand "bury me next" Lilly said "and me" Hugo said "okay" me and Rose said at the same time. After we finished buring the boys me and Rose buried Lilly and Hugo, I was buring Lilly and Rose was buring Hugo like a good big sister, something I would never be but I was okay with that, I was hopefully going to get a big brother by the end of the summer so it didn't matter to me.

Draco dropped me and mom back at your house, I took a shower to wash off all the sand and sea water that was in my hair and on my body. After my shower I headed to the kitchen for dinner which was what it always was, mac and cheese, which if I'm being honest was my favorite summer meal mom cooked.

I headed to bed later then usual because there wasn't going to be school tomorrow or for two months, I woke up to the sound of someone calling my phone I picked it up still tired for just awaking up "hello?" I asked "hi can you babysit Lexi for me please?" It was Luna "sure what time should I be there?" I asked "29 minutes" Luna said "okay sure" I said and got out of bed.

Once I was dressed I told mom were I was going and she drove me there I didn't understand why her other two kids, and older boys couldn't do it, I knocked on the door Luna opened it "good your here we have to take the boys to the doctors their very sick and we'll I have no one to babysit and you love babies so this is the perfect job for you" she said "okay" I said "there you go, and I'll pay you 20 bucks" Luna said and handed me Lexi "okay bye" I said. When they left the house seemed one quieter I found a list on the dining table of what to do, I followed what it said to do, the times were a little off but it was fine.

I put Lexi in her crib and sat on the couch, I texted the group chat which was just me, Ablus, Scorpius and Rose that I was babysitting and couldn't hang out Rose responded with a 'lucky' I smiled and shut my phone off.

After about 39 minutes Lexi started crying, I headed into her nursery that had white walls, I picked her up and tried to give her a bottle but she didn't seem hungry, she didn't need her diaper to be changed some I decided to walk around with her, she eventually fall back asleep.

When Luna came back the boys didn't came into the house "where are the boys?" I asked "their in the car" Luna said "there" she said and handed me 20 bucks "thanks" I said and left the house. When I got home I took a shower and stayed in my room for the rest of the day and watched Netflix or texted with the group.

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