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Y/n's p.o.v

Scorpius dropped me off there was a path leading into the woods I followed the path out of curiosity as I kept walking the dimly lite light changed into a blue light. When I got to the end of the path Draco was standing there he was in a black suit, I smiled to myself Draco walked over to me and put both of hands in his, he lead me to the very center of the path and got down on one knee he let go of my hands and pulled out a tiny black box, when he opened it there was a black ring inside of it.

"Y/f/n, we have been dating for six years and I have wanted to do this two years ago but I didn't know how until day with the help of all our friends and our kids, Y/n I love you and I was wondering if you would marry me?" He said with a hopefully look in his eyes "yes, I will" I said Draco slipped the ring onto my hand and then up and kissed me, I heard clapping and cheering going from behind us, me and Draco pulled away and saw Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Rose, Ablus, Zoe and Scorpius.

That night Draco took me, Zoe and Scorpius out the same restaurant that the kids had brought us to when they were trying to get us together. After we had our dinner a slow song played it was the same as the one that same night, tonight felt magical and I never wanted it to end. When we got home Zoe headed to her room and Scorpius to his, I took off my dress and heels then headed to the shower the water was hot and rexaling, when I finished I dried my hair and changed I to one of Draco's shirts.

When I got out of the bathroom Draco was sitting on the bed his was on his phone, his headed turned I climbed into bed and layed my head on his chest, his hands were around my waist "good night Mrs. Malfoy" he said "good night Mr. Malfoy" I said and slowly fall asleep.

Harry had premoted Draco after a year of him working there he was Ginny's personal assistant like I was to Harry, we both worked later but lucky for us the kids were older and we trusted them to be alone by themselves. Harry let me and Draco have some time off of work he was still going to pay us and we were going to try and save money for the wedding, after school and work Zoe, Rose, Lilly, Luna, Ginny, Hermione and I went to the wedding dress store to pick out the bridesmaids dresses for the girls and a wedding dress for me.

"I remember when you were helping us pick out all of our wedding dresses" Ginny said "yeah, I now we get to help you" Luna said while looking at some dresses after the wedding dress was found and payed for same with the bridesmaids dresses we headed to the shoe store. Rose and Zoe found a pair of shoes and agreed on it after about 30 minutes, Luna, Ginny and Hermione each picked out a pair of shoes and let me decide on which one, after we found their shoes we looked at my shoes, their was plenty of good ones I finally found myself a pair of shoes and we headed out.

Hermione had offered to let the shoes and dresses at her house "I'll also kept Lexi's when she founds one" Hermione said "thanks" Luna said "we should found Lexi's tomorrow if that's okay with you" I told Luna "yeah, that's fine with me."

The next morning

I picked up Luna and Lexi, we headed to the same places and picked out her things, we went to a few shops and found a small basket and some flowers to go around it, we went to the shoe store and Lexi found a pair that she liked Luna payed for all of Lexi's things, we stopped at Hermione's house and dropped the stuff off. When I got home Scorpius and Draco weren't home Zoe was sitting on the couch watching TV "they left with all the other boys to look for their things" she said I nodded my head and sat down next to her.

Draco's p.o.v

Me and Scorpius agreed to met Ron, Harry, Ablus, Hugo and Luna's boys and her husband to go shopping for our things like the girls did. We went to the suit shop and picked out our suits, we then headed to the shoe store and then we headed to Harry's house he was the one who was keeping the clothes there for us, everyone payed for their kids and own outfit.

When I got home Zoe and Y/n had fallen asleep on the couch a movie was playing on the TV Scorpius turned it off "should we woke them?" He asked while looking at them "no" I said, Y/n woke up and started dinner the kids were talking in the living room while I helped with dinner. When dinner was done we all took turns talking about our day, after dinner Zoe and Scorpius did the dishes while me and Y/n continued to plan the wedding "please have good food" Zoe said "yes have good food" Scorpius said which made me and Y/n laugh "okay good food it is" Y/n said.

After we finished planning for the night we all headed to bed, Y/n had fallen asleep, it was cold out because it was Winter, we all agreed on a spring or summer wedding so that we the kids would all be out of school well mainly the younger ones well be out of school.

That night I fall asleep falling happy, I was finally going to marry the girl of my dreams, the girl I was ted to marry for the past two years.

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