Fifty-Nine: Ashes

Start from the beginning

"Ungrateful bitch." He sneered, ripping my shirt collar before wrapping my throat in his hands and squeezing.

"I've always done everything for you." He seethed while I choked, scratching at his arms and kicking my legs, seeing spots appear in my vision.

"I just wanted you to notice me for once." His voice was fading, so I turned inward, awakening the wolf in me. She roared to life with vengeance, and I opened my eyes. His face was nearly purple with rage, but I was so full of wolf that I just smiled, my elongated canines brushing my lips. My hands snapped up and wrenched his arms off of my neck, twisting his wrists sharply. He screamed, stumbling backwards onto his ass. Distantly, I reached up, brushing the deep bruising that was surely starting to show. Advancing on him, I knew I'd be in heaps of pain in a few hours, but I didn't care now.

"Emilee." A voice spoke softly from the side, drawing my attention.

I stiffened in surprise, having not expected Kore to come to my aid. Her wings folded elegantly in her back, and even I couldn't resist the pull to her. She was a magnetic field of power, magnificent and untamable. I held my breath as she approached, her gaze assessing Jacob before landing on me. Her fingers lightly traced the bruise, and a little piece of me wanted to ugly cry.

"Azalea sent me to inform you that she will be......busy for the night. However after witnessing this, I must ask, would you like me to kill him for you?"

I laughed both in shock and at her words, whimpering slightly at the sharp pain it caused. I laughed at inappropriate times, it was just who I was. But come on, Persephone, the Queen of Hell, was asking to murder my pack-mate for me. And as much as I'd like to give in, I shook my head, glancing to the pathetic mess of a wolf on the ground. He cradled his broken wrists, spitting curses.

I sheathed my staff and stepped back, putting distance between us. "No, he's not worth it. I was just on my way out anyway."

I expected her to stop me, or try to, but she simply stood there, an unnerving amount of intelligence in her eyes telling me that this woman was not to be trifled with. I kept my back to her, closing my eyes.

"I can't stay here." That one sentence threatened to break me.

Warmth radiated at my back as she approached, her fingers gentle where they gripped my shoulder. "Look at me, child."

Her voice shook the boundaries of my soul and I turned, meeting her gaze, feeling a softball sized lump of pain grow in my throat. "Please."

Her lips curved slightly. "It is not within my power to deny you entrance or leave. That is your Queen's, and I expect she will want to hear this from you."

Struck by a sudden burst of anger, I wrenched away from her, snarling. "No one is listening to me! I can't stay here. Watching my mate in the arms of another is too much. And I've been through too much. I won't wait around, I deserve better, and no one can give me that but me. Whether or not Azalea approves will not change my choice, or deter it. She will always have my support, she knows this."

I held my breath as she watched me. "I have not lived with these wolves for long, but I have grown to love them nonetheless. I respect your decision, Emilee Winter. However you must understand that I will not hide this from her."

"I would not ask you to."

"Or Camille." Stated with finality, I felt my stomach sink.

"She's not mine." I set my jaw. "She'll never be mine. She's already his. I will not break up a bond that is hundreds of years old, nor will I be a prop for their games."

Her face hardened, so I hastily continued. "Make no mistake, I do not intend to offend. My wolf has chosen Camille, but she did not choose Michael. I am a risk to their safety and the safety of the pack, should I stay."

A long moment passed where we didn't speak and she just watched me. Then a shadow passed over her eyes and I knew she saw the truth and desperation leaking from my soul. "Very well. I can see there is no dissuading you from this path. How would you like me to pass on this information to your Queen?"

"Tell her-," I hesitated. "Tell her that I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye, and that I will always be her Beta." I gave her a watery-half smile, and her eyes gentled.

"All is not lost, little one." She murmured. "Have faith, there are things much bigger than you know, at play."

Her words rang in my ears and I watched, slightly entranced, as she lifted her hand and sliced it in a downward position in the air. And right before my eyes, a weapon started to take shape. It was a staff, made of some sort of black wood, sooty and oiled to perfection. Each end had a circular silver cap and intricate silver vines spreading down the shaft. Directly in the center lay a one-handed grip designed of some sort of scaled animal hide, dried and molded to shape. I eyed the six foot piece of wood hungrily.

"The wood is of a tree from my homeland known as the Ash Tree. It is impervious to fire and metal, not to mention it will shield you and glow a light blue when in the presence of danger or deceit. This staff is an entity of its own free will. Speak to it. Treat it as a friend, wield it as an extension of your arm, and it will never fail you. Treat it as less, and it will turn on you."

She held it out to me, and I grasped the center tightly, feeling my palm conform perfectly to the grip. I gave myself a moment before I whirled it around. I nearly dropped the thing when two foot long blades shot out from each end. In a brief moment of joy I laughed out loud. I loved it. I couldn't have asked for a more me gift. Yet as I held it I felt sad, and undeserving. I jumped slightly when Kore stepped forward, tilting my chin up gently.

"Do not let anyone tell you that you are unworthy. You have defended your pack against the worst odds, and lived as a slave and spy for far too long. This staff is designed for your grip and yours alone. I cannot take it back once you bleed the blade. It is a gift, and to refuse a gift from a goddess means-,"

"Let me guess, refusing this gift means death?" I cut her off, a smile tilting the corners of my mouth. She dropped her hand and laughed, the sound echoing around us.

"No, but it is quite rude." She chuckled.

Then she did the most incredible thing, she bowed to me. Just a slight bow of her head, but as an Alpha, to have her respect and as an allay was huge. My wolf purred happily, puffing out her chest. I mentally rolled my eyes at her before bowing back, feeling my eyes start to tear for reasons unknown to me as I straightened and caught the tender look in her eyes.

"Be safe."

"I will." I whispered back, feeling the crushing weight of sadness gripping my heart. I didn't look back as I vaulted over the back wall, but her words followed me, chilling me to the bone.

"I should warn you," she called. "Camille will hunt you. And speaking from Elizabeth's perspective, she does not usually come back empty." I swallowed hard, my soul aching, before taking the first step into the wilderness.

Here goes. I thought, hoping for the best.

Enjoy! Don't worry, Em will be back 💕

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