21. Honeymoon

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I took slow steps towards him. The moment was calm. The sounds I was hearing a moment ago vanished suddenly. My concentration was on his sparkling eyes.

I wrapped my arms around his thin waist and he wrapped his coat around me. I heard his heart beats getting louder as I placed my head on his chest. I closed my eyes feeling the warmth. I never hugged him but now when I'm doing it there's a different feeling which I could sense. It definitely is feeling good. At the moment I have no worries but if I would have had any, this little gesture would make me forget it.

But why were his heart beats not normal?!

I suddenly felt an urge to hold him tighter and never let go. I clutched my fist on his waist and pulled myself closer to him.
I felt a sudden rush of happiness.

But from nowhere a voice from my mind disturbed me.

"This is wrong. The way you're feeling is wrong. It shouldn't be like this. You love someone else. You already committed a sin by marrying Jungkook. You can't go any further."

I wanted to push him away but something inside me held me from doing it. But I was scared, that if I hold onto him any longer, I'll lose myself and would get myself into something I don't want to, but at the same time I was afraid to let him go.

I can't cheat on Jong Dae.

It took all my courage to push him. I looked in his eyes and saw a pinch of disappointment.

He shouldn't be like this.

"L-let's go in-inside."

I stuttered and awkwardly scratched my nape avoiding the eye contact.

"Right. The coat is really thin."

He said and walked away. I mentally slapped myself for behaving that way.

Jungkook's POV

I smiled when she came closer as if she didn't want to be away from me. I was happy that she clinged onto me but that happiness didn't last any longer.

She pushed me away and that took me back to reality. What was I even trying to do?! She trusted me enough to marry me and here I am wanting to step on his first love. She will definitely not cheat on Jong Dae. She would never like if I come in between.

I understand.

-Time Skip

"Woah!! Woah. Look at those flowers. They are so pretty."

*picture click*

"And that leaf, it's so unique."

*picture click*

"Waah. Look here. There are so many shells."

*picture click*

She went around the beach clicking pictures of every single thing she's seeing.

"Really y/n, since half an hour, you're clicking pictures of nonsense things."

I spoke with my hands in pocket staring at her figure who was bent on her knees and admiring the shells on seashore. She turned around and damn that smile.

"Jungkook, we need to capture everything. You know, memories."

She said and clicked several other pictures except for US.

"BTW, why are there absolutely no one on this beach-"

She cut off her sentence by herself and stood up with excitement. She clapped her hands together.

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