17. Ice Cream

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I closed my eyes and my heart raced at the close proximity. I expected to feel his lips on mine. Well, I shouldn't think like that. It's wrong.
He pressed his lips on the corner of my lips and pecked it. My breathes were still stuck in my throat. Even if he didn't kiss me it was close enough.

He backed away and released his grip around my waist after hearing the cheers and clappings.

"I don't intend to make you uncomfortable."

A smile crept on my lips at his personality of a Gentleman.

"Because if you're uncomfortable then how are we supposed to work together. I can't risk my company, right?"

And I really thought he was thinking about me. I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"At the end of the day you're still Jungkook."I whispered it way too loudly. He heard it.

"So am I supposed to turn into Justin Seagull?" I heaved out a sigh rolling my eyes.

"Okay, I'mma shut my mouth now."

I heard him chuckling. Well I'm still not used to the way he reacts. His smile, his giggles. Anyways he looks good with a smile.
Soon all the people came and congratulated the newlywed couples.
I was tired of standing and so my face also looked pale. The heavy dress wasn't helping much.

"Get changed if it's that heavy."

Jungkook leaned and whispered.
Seriously? I am worried if my head displays my thoughts to him. How is he always so accurate? But again the way my face is anyone would know how tired I was.
I nodded my head and changed into a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I know I shouldn't dress this way on my marriage but I'm tired. Lol, who cares tho~

I walked to the dining area and sat down. Everyone stared at me like they saw a ghost from another planet.

"Please, I'm tired. Let's eat and go home."

I said to all of them. Everyone on the table giggled. We ate our food and now were heading to our respective houses.

"Go fast. I can't wait to go home and celebrate without you."

My mother teased me as I pouted.

"Yes you go. I'll keep y/n with me.
Y/n, we will also celebrate."

Jungkook's mom said making us chuckle at her words.

"Will you guys be okay if a sleeping Jungkook drives?"

Jungkook said yawning.

"Oh no no. Go and don't sleep in the middle of the road. Drive safely."

Jungkook's dad said. We bid goodbye to all of them and drove away. I looked out of the window. The ride was quite silent.

"Jungkook?" he hummed in response.


"I want ice cream."

His face snapped towards me. He gave me a 'are you serious' look.

"I remember you eating 4 cups of ice cream." he scoffed in amusement.

"But that was half an hour ago." I whined.

"It's 1 a.m. Where will we get ice cream at this hour? Moreover it's not good for your health."

"I still want it."

I whined once again. More like a child.

"I said no."

He said in a low and calm voice.


"No means no."

He slightly raised his voice making me shut my mouth. 

"Can't you do this much for me?!" I pouted



I'm really not gonna talk to him.
He pulled the brakes stopping in front of the huge black gate. There were too many bodyguards.
One bodyguard came and opened the door for me and him.

"Why are there so many guards?"

I asked Jungkook.

"You're sleepy, I see. Y/n, I have a big company and many rivals. It's obvious I'll have a better security."

My mouth made a shape of O listening to his words. I looked at the mansion. Huge and beautiful. I followed him inside. A maid came and bowed to us. Jungkook said something to her and she went.

I stood there admiring the interior of the house. It was classy. Few minutes later the maid came with a bowl of ice cream. A smile made its way on my lips. She handed it to me.

"Thank you, Jungkook."

I ate the full bowl of ice cream not even bothering to sit down even if my legs felt numb from tiredness.
The maid took the empty bowl and came back within seconds.

"If she asks for ice cream. Don't give it to her from the next time."

He said making my eyes go wide. Before I could respond he left. I heard the maid giggling.

"Miss Y/n, I'm Myra. Sir Jeon was joking. Don't worry."

She said with a smile. I chuckled awkwardly.

"His jokes are never funny."

She laughed.

"Now you should get some sleep. I'll get going."

She bowed and went away. I walked to the same room where I saw Jungkook entering as I was not familiar with the big house.
I opened the door and saw there was no Jungkook. I heard the water flowing and assumed that he must be taking a bath.
I jumped on the bed and laid with my legs wide open and closed my eyes finally breathing peacefully.

"Aren't you gonna change?"

I heard his deep voice but was too lazy to open my eyes. I just hummed not even listening to the question.

"What Hm? Go and wash your caked face."

"I'm tired."

I manage to speak in a low voice.

"Wait... Are you indirectly asking Me to change for you?"

I sighed with my closed eyes.

"You and your thoughts."

I mumbled and lazily dragged my body, still not opening my eyes.
Suddenly I bumped into something hard. I kept my hand on it to keep my balance. I quickly opened my eyes after realizing that my hand was on Jungkook's bare chest. My eyes met Jungkook's eyes.

I stared at him and saw his water dripping hair. He was in his boxers with no shirt. Damn. I wanted to move my eyes from him but it was impossible.

There was just a small gap between us as we exchanged our breath. The atmosphere was becoming hot. There was atmost silence. My cheeks were turning red as blood rushed through my cheeks.

His gaze landed on my lips.

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