13. Date

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Y/n's POV

I sat on the chair of my cabin and moved in a circle like a child who gets excited when sits in a rolling chair for the first time. I bit my nails.

Was he there?! Was he not?! He was surely not there. But neither Won Ho nor Mr. Park denied that he wasn't there! Does this means he was there?! Did he see me?! What if he tells mom?! No, he definitely was not there.

My mind had a huge conflict. I flinched due to the sudden ringing of the phone.

I picked it up.

"Come to my office."

Jungkook said it over the phone.

"Huh?! Why?!"

I asked and he hanged up the call. Woah, did I just expect him to answer me?! Sometimes I am unbelievable.

His tone sounded a bit angry. Should I take a coffee for him?! Yes, I should. I made a coffee and went to his office. I knocked on the door and then came inside.

His back was facing me as he was checking some files. I went near him and placed the coffee on the table.

"Mr. CEO. You look stressed. Drink this coffee. It's good for headaches."

"Did I ask for any coffee?!"

He said turning towards me. He eyed me with his intense stare.

"No, I just thought-"

"I called you to show something. I just found a video on the internet. I really wanted to show you."

"Yes, please."

I sat beside him as he opened his laptop and clicked on a video.

Fuck it!

It was my today's race video. My face was not too much visible for him to know that it was me. I decided to just act up. But why did he open that video?!

"Ommo!! Is she a girl?! Ddaeng, she's so smooth."

I exclaimed getting excited. The video was about to end when I removed the helmet and showed my face in it. Well done!! I bit my lower lips and looked at his direction just to see him already glaring me with his hands folded.

"This is what you used to do when you took days off. Today also you went there only. Correct me if I am wrong."

"I am really really very sorry. I didn't mean to lie-"

"You're not doing it anymore."

Who's he to stop me?! Anger took over me but I managed to speak with politeness.

"Excuse me?! Mr. CEO. I love this sport-"

"Teacher Lee don't know about this."

"Of course, she wouldn't ever allow me to do this."

"Why so?!"

That made me think a little.


"Because she cares for you. She wants you to live your life safely and happily. And what you're doing?! Betraying her behind her back. Lying to her."

"But I do it with all my safety-"

"That bike today was just centimetres away from you. What if you both had got smashed?! Wouldn't it be dangerous?! At least think about the people around you."

"I tried many times to not do it again. But I just can't stop myself."

"Take it as a warning or a request, you are not doing this again."

Racing from Love I I JJK FFWhere stories live. Discover now