16. Wedding Day

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"Aigo... How can I look so pretty? Oh my God. Who am I? An angel?"

I admired myself in the huge mirror. No doubt I was looking pretty. Everything was perfect. My hair, my makeup, my dress. I cupped my cheeks and stared at my beautiful reflection.


The door opened revealing Dahyun and Yeonjun. Both came running towards me and I knew they would come and hug me and ruin my look.
I quickly backed away.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyy. Stay away."

I shouted loudly as they both flinched and stopped on their way.

"What is it?"

Yeonjun asked with a worried look.

"Don't come near me. You both will spoil my beautiful look."

Both of them sighed and plopped on the couch.

"You shouted as if there was a ghost haunting you."

Dahyun exclaimed.

"Now tell me. Am I not looking like a real princess? Even more than that."

I asked spinning around on my heels and almost lost my balance when Yeonjun held my hand and kept me in place.

"Are you wishing to break your skull before your marriage?"

I fixed my dress almost ignoring his words.

"First answer me."

"You're looking like a white insect who jumped out from sewage."

Dahyun said controlling her smile. I replied to her with a chuckle.

"Someone is jealous of their beautiful friend. It's okay bro. Your turn will also come. But you can not look better than me."

"Are you planning to die on your wedding day?"

She stood up and said with an angry pout.

"I love cats fighting. Continue."

Yeonjun crossed his hands and grinned mischievously.

"Can we today have a cat and monkey fight?"

I said stepping on Yeonjun's foot. He groaned.

"Ahhh!! You little-"

"Y/n, you ready?"

He was cut off when my parents entered.

"Yes mom. Look at me. I'm looking so pretty."

"Told you before. You can look good in girly outfits too. But you always have to act like a big man."

"Mom, today's my marriage. Can you please spare me for today?"

"Okay, okay. Anyways, know that I'll not miss you at all after you're gone."

She said with a smirk.


I whined and went towards my father.

"I'll miss you instead, okay?"

I hugged him and stuck my tongue out to my mom. She giggled and instantly took me in a hug.

"Now hurry up and let's go."

I walked down the aisle with my arms around my father's hand. I should probably be nervous but I was looking at the decoration and everything. I was happy but I don't know why.

The decoration looked too luxurious. I also noticed the bodyguards. Then my eyes fell upon the media. There were so many reporters and cameras. Wait... Does that mean I'm on the television?

My father handed my hands in Jungkook's palm. I was too busy in my thoughts. I leaned towards Jungkook's ears and whispered.

"Are we on the television?"

He looked at me surprised but I didn't look at him. Instead I was grinning at the cameras.

"Yes, why?" he answered with a frown.

"Should I pose something for them?"

He almost whisper shouted on my sentence.

"Don't you dare behave like a child atleast today. Stay still."

He said giving me a death glare. Anyways he was right though. I lifted my eyes and looked at him. It was then when I noticed, he was looking no less than a Model. I couldn't help but stare more. His forehead was on full display and he was just so handsome that I wanted to stop this moment and stare at him forever. His black tuxedo fit his muscles well.

I didn't realize that I was drooling over him.

"Don't you think your makeup would spoil if you drool over me for few more seconds?"

He said bringing me back to reality.

"I don't want to agree but you're really looking handsome."

Okay. That slipped. The voice of my mind was a bit too loud. But I wasn't wrong.

"Nothing new. I was always handsome. You didn't notice it. Get your eyes checked."

I huffed. I literally expected him to compliment me also-

"Well you're not looking like usual today."

Is this how he compliments someone?

"Can't you spill some honey today from your bitter mouth?"

"Ah. Look at you. Is this the way you'll talk to your boss?" he scoffs in disbelief.

"Stop this boss thing already. This marriage is for a short time but it's still a marriage."

"Don't you think you should stop reminding it again and again?"

I scoffed at his words.

"Well, to be honest you're actually looking pretty. More like a girl."

What did I ever do for every single of them to think that I'm a tomboy. I smiled and slightly blushed at his statement.

"That's better."

"Can you guys continue your couple talks after your marriage?"

We both were interrupted by the priest who was annoyed by us.

"Oh yes, we have to marry today only."

Jungkook said as some of the people in the hall giggled at his reply.

"So, tell me. Are you sure you want to marry Miss Lee Y/n and spend your entire life with her? You will also have to love her and take care of her. And whatever."

"Well I'm sure about marrying her and of course I would have to spend my life with her. Even though she is-"

"We are not taking an interview here. Just answer 'I do'. Don't waste my time."

The priest cut him off and I laughed silently.

"I do."

"And Miss Lee Y/n, if you're standing here then it obviously means that you also agree to marry Jeon Jungkook and be with him through thick and thins, right?"

"Yes, I do."

"Okay now you both are couples. The groom may kiss the bride."

Damn. I was forgetting this situation. Woah, No. How am I supposed to kiss him? He's my boss. It'll be so awkward after that.
Before I could respond to anything I felt his grip around my waist.

Is he really going to kiss me?

The vows Please-🤣🤣
The priest was in a hurry.
(No offense.)

Racing from Love I I JJK FFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ