Chapter 42

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Janet's POV

I finished looking over my work when I got a call from my publicist called.

Janet: hello

Publicist: hey Janet I was calling because we have to talk about these allegations Damon dash is throwing out there the public is talking they are waiting on statements I'm getting hounded with people calling for interviews I think we should meet up and talk about how you wanna turn this around or make a statement.

Janet: I honestly don't know why I have to make a statement yes I know I'm a public figure but this is my personal life what I do in my personal life should be my business I don't care what anybody say..

Publicist: I understand Janet of course your personal life should be your personal life and I know how personal you and your family are but we still have to make a statement so people can dead this.

Janet: okay yeah fine we can meet tomorrow morning.

I hung up the phone and laid in bed looking up at the ceiling I ran my fingers through my head and sighed. The pass weeks I've been getting hounded about what dame came out and said. My parents and family been calling me worried about what's going on everything has honestly been to much.

Lyte: hey baby

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even know lyte had came in.

Janet: awe hey baby i thought you was going back to the studio.

She came over and laid next to me she kissed my cheek and laid on my chest.

Lyte: I was but I just wanted to come home anyways....what's wrong I can feel something wrong.

Janet: well....first and foremost I love you and I feel like honesty in our relationship is important so I have to tell you this.

She sat up and looked at me with a serious face.

Lyte: oookay.. what's going on

Janet: alright so Aaliyah came in here and she told me she's moving out

Lyte: wait what why did we..

Janet: no it's nothing wrong... Um she has rehashed feelings for me and she feels like living here with us isn't gonna help and she doesn't wanna mess up our relationship so she decided to get her own place and finish out her pregnancy with the help of her mother.

Lyte sat there stuck looking at me as if she was completely speechless. I sat up also at this point.

Janet: Um baby..

Lyte: so Aaliyah still has feelings for you and in order for her to let those feelings go she is gonna move out.. okay well I mean if that's what she feel is best for her then it's understandable.

I looked at her confused

Janet: so you not mad .?

Lyte: for what .? For her having feelings for you.? No baby I'm not mad or upset or anything by it Aaliyah is pregnant her hormones are all over the place. At the same time she never got full closure from you so it's very understandable why she would have feelings still for you. As long as she isn't breaking up what we have and is actually trying to let go of what she have for you then I don't see what I should be mad about unless you have feelings for her also...

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