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I had made breakfast for Zoe and me, I headed to her room and pushed it open slowly, Zoe was still asleep the covers were covering her head, Zoe was started her first day of 7th grade. I pulled the covers off her head "Zoe wake up" I said while lightly shacking her awake "not now mom" Zoe said and rolled onto her front, I opened Zoe's curtens Zoe's head popped up immediately "mom" she whined "get ready" I said while leaving the room.

Zoe came downstairs in a pair of jeans and a light blue t-shirt with vans, she had her hair up in a high ponytail. She eat her breakfast and then brushed her teeth. Zoe grabbed her backpack and her jacket, Zoe got inside the front seat and I drove her to school.

"Have a good day" I said "okay, bye mom" Zoe said, I left her at the entrance of the school and drove off.

Zoe's p.o.v

Mom had just dropped me off, I was scared none of my friends had the same math period as me this year "okay everyone take a seat, everyone's desk has their name on it" the teacher said, I made my way to the desk that had my name on it, the teacher was about to say something when there was a knock at the classroom door. The teacher opened it and there stood a man with white hair and grey eyes, he had a little boy with him, the bot looked like the men, the teacher let the boy inside the classroom.

The boy sat down next to me, I looked over at his name tag 'Scorpius' it read.

That's an odd name I thought.

The teacher began to call out everyone's name "Zoe Y/l/n" the teacher said "here" I called "Scorpius" she said the boy looked down "here" he answered shly, the whole time in class I kept thinking that I wasn't going to make any new friends today. It was recess I was sitting on the swings when the boy with blonds hair ce up to me "hi" he said "hi" I said "can I sit next to you?" He asked I nodded my head, maybe I was going to make a friend today.

We headed back to class, we had to write about our favorite things, I wrote about baking and writing. After school all the kids were waiting for their mom and dad's to come pick them up, I saw Scorpius and walked over to him I tapped on his shoulder "hi, do you want to be friends?" I asked "sure" Scorpius said, his dad came and he get in the car.

Mom came a few minutes after Scorpius left with his dad "sorry I'm late" mom said I get into the car "it's alright" I said and got into the front seat.

When we got home I went to my room and pulled out my homework, it's the first day and we already have homework that sucks. I was half way through when mom called me down for dinner "where was school?" Mom asked "it was okay, I think I may have made a new friend" I said "really, who?" Mom asked "his name is Scorpius" I said, mom nodded her head.

I got upstairs and took a shower when I came out, my phone lite up I picked it up and looked at the contact, it was Scorpius I had completely forgotten that I had given him my number. We texted until I had to go to bed, I turned my lights off and fall asleep quickly.

The next morning
(Scorpius's p.o.v)

I woke up and got out of bed, when I was ready I headed downstairs "morning dad" I said and then sat down on our bar stools "hey, listen I have to work late tonight okay" dad said while placing a plate of pancakes in front of me "but you just got the job" I said "yes and I need the extra money" dad said then picked up the car keys "I'll see you later, if your still awake" dad left from work leaving me home alone to walk to school.

As I was walking I spotted a familiar face "ZOE!" I yelled she looked up from her phone and smiled at me "hey new kid" she said once I stood next to her. Me and my dad just moved here from England "please don't call me that" I said "whatever" Zoe said and she playfully smacked my chest. We crossed the light and continued walking to school "how far do you live from the school?" I asked "umm, you'd have to ask my mom" she said "how about you?" She asked "20 minutes" I said.

We headed to our own ways for our classes the only classes I had with Zoe was math, history, lunch and PE, math was out second period so it wasn't that bad, after PE which is sixth period we started walking home. "Why are you walking to school?" I asked "my mom left early for work and she'll be working late, so she can't pick me up or drop me off today" she said "oh, my dad's working late to" I said.

I had invited Zoe over and she agreed, I'm sure dad won't mind we did our homework and watched TV "I'm home" dad called and I heard the front door shut "in the living room" I yelled, dad walked in and saw Zoe "hi I'm Zoe" she said and stood up to shake dad's hand "hi Zoe, I'm Draco" dad said while shacking her hand.

Zoe stayed for dinner but left when her mom texted her, I headed to my room and took a shower, I was about to lay down when I got a text from Zoe .



I closed my phone and layed down the moment my head hit the pillow I was out like a light. I was an only child and so was my dad, I always wondered what it would be like to have a little sister, I never really wanted a brother I always wanted a sister.

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