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Name: Rosalyn (Rosie)

Age:1-4 months

Breed: Irish Setter/Dachshund mix

Fur color:  white/light brown/black

Eye color: brown

Personality: sweet, shy, cautious, playful, loving, smart

Owner: stray

Best friend: Moon

Nicknames: My Rose (Thorn) Princess (Arrow) Little Sis (Briar, Spectro, Moon.)

Relatives: Thorn (mother) Arrow (Father) Tyson (older brother) Dove (older sister)  Briar (older brother) Spectro (Older brother) Moon (older sister

Brief description: Rosalyn is the youngest pup of Thorn and Arrow. She is super shy and rather stay away from new animals. She lives hanging out with her older sister Moon, and also enjoys hanging out with Dove. She loves the stars and roses, and her family.

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