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Name:  Brook/Tiny


Breed: Yorkie

Fur color: brown/tan

Eye color: brown

Personality: sweet, serious, untrustful, perfectionist, tidy? helpful

Occupation: Beta of her small pack

Bad qualities: Dislikes and Distrusts adult humans

Owner: tba

Best friend: Iris

Nicknames: Sis (Rascal) B (Iris) Get over here I need some help (Both Iris and Rascal lol)

Brief description: Brook/Tiny is a small Yorkie and the older twin sister of Rascal. She is stern and serious as well as a neat freak. She loves her small pack and her sister dearly even if they get on each other's nerves. She is is unacclaimed beta of the pack and helps wherever she can. She doesn't like or trust humans (You'll figure out why later.) She can also be protective but would rather talk things out before doing something

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