Behind The Scenes of my OC prt 2

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1. Pumpkin first personality was supposed to be more untrusting and sciddish, but I decided against it as I needed a change, and to take a risk by making an outgoing character.

2. Jade is based on one of my own dogs that is a pug

3. Diamond character wasn't originally going to be a street cat. She was originally going to be the pet in the next door apartment, but I like street animals better, and I didn't feel like going out of my comfort zone.

4. Jade's name was originally going to be eclipse or shadow or something like that to represent her fur color, but after looking up names I found Jade which was a perfect name for her personality. Jade means to transmit wisdom, clarity, justice, courage, and modesty. (Yes I know I over think names lol)

5. Surprisingly, Jade wasn't actually supposed to be a hero or a friend to Pumpkin and Diamond. In fact she was supposed to be the evil sidekick, but after trying the first time I couldn't do it. And rewrote her as a friend.

6. Diamond and Jade were actually supposed to still dislike each other, but I recently decided to just make them friends as I like the friendly trio.

Well here is some more about the making of my OC characters I hope you enjoy seeing what my crazy mind thinks about all day.

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