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Name: Spectro

Age: 1-4 months

Breed:  Irish Setter/ Dachshund mix

Fur color: black/bronze

Eye color: brown

Personality:  playful, trouble, shy, curious, sweet.

Owner: Stray

Best friend: Briar

Nicknames: pup (Thorn) troublemaker (Arrow) Cutie (Dove) Little Bro (Briar) Big Bro (Rosalyn and Moon

Relatives: Thorn (mother) Arrow (Father) Tyson (older brother) Dove (older sister)  Briar (older brother) Moon (Younger sister) Rosalyn (younger sister)

Brief description:  Spectro is the second oldest of Thorn's and Arrow's pups, and is basically Briar's shadow he love hanging out with his slightly older brother and going on Adventures that often lead them into trouble. He is definitely a mommy's boy and has a big heart.

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