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Name: Rascal/ Scrappy

Age: 2

Breed: Yorkie

Fur color: brown/tan

Eye color: brown

Personality: snarky, Scrappy, sneaky, sweet, rambunctious

Occupation: Wild card of her small pack

Bad qualities: doesn't like or trust human

Owner: tba

Best friend: Iris

Nicknames: Scraps Rasc, or Sis (Brook) Hotshot (Iris)

Brief description: Rascal/Scrappy is a brown and tan Yorkie who is the younger twin sister of Brook. She is named appropriately and known for making mischief. Although though she's rowdy and doesn't think things through she is still an amazing pack member just in case something happens. Rascal is the self proclaimed wild card of the pack and is ready for anything she also doesn't trust adult humans. And she makes that known by pranking them.

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