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Name: Briar

Age: 1-4 months old (depending on the story

Breed:  Irish Setter/Dachshund mix

Fur color:  Bronze

Eye color: Brown

Personality: bossy, determined, trouble, curious, loving, playful

Owner: stray

Best friend: Flame

Nicknames: pup (Thorn,) Troublemaker (Arrow) bro (Spectro, Moon and Rosalyn)

Relatives: Thorn (mother) Arrow (Father) Tyson (older brother) Dove (older sister)  Spectro (younger brother) Moon (Younger sister) Rosalyn (younger sister)

Brief description: Briar is the oldest pup out of four  of Thorn and Arrows pups he's curious which often leads him and his brother Spectro into trouble. He is bossy since he is the first born and thinks he can boss everyone around. He's very playful and loves playing with Flame and Dove.

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