Behind The Scenes of My OCs prt 1

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I decided to do this because I figured it would be fun to share some of the ideas and thing that make. Pumpkin, Diamond, Treasure, and Jade them. And some of my thoughts before the final drafts were finished

1. In the first version of The Puppy Pumpkin's original name was Slipper. I knew that I wanted her name to be something meaningful to the movie I was talking about and I thought Slipper was a perfect name. Until four tries later. It just wasn't working out. So I changed her name to Pumpkin and viola we have my main OC

2. Pumpkin wasn't originally supposed to be a Maltese poodle mix in fact she was supposed to be a chocolate lab mix, but then I thought it over, and figured that Georgie wouldn't have a big enough apartment for something that would grow that big. So I decided on the poodle. Which later turned into a maltipoo (Sidenote: most pictures used for edits are usually poodles.)

3. Diamond's name was originally Treasure (yes her sister's name) but once I wrote her character I decided she need a tougher name, Well I watched Aladdin that night and the diamond in the rough continued to play in my head resulting in the name Diamond.

4. Treasure was originally supposed to be an orange tabby like her sister Diamond, I really don't know what changed my mind that time. But I decided to go with the tortie shell instead.

5. Diamond and Treasure were only supposed to be aquantances , but once rewriting it twice I decided to make them sisters. The reason why is because I needed them to connect deeper then just aquantances. Since they are two total different personalities, and it would clash to much as just that.

That's it for now, but I do have more of these as OCs are complicated to write sometimes.

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