Things in Georgie's backpack

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Just doing this because I'm bored and I mention Georgie's bag in so many stories

Makeup: Georgie always keeps extra make up in her backpack. Just in case she runs out somewhere else.

First aid kit: Georgie always, always keeps a first aid kit with her at all times she never goes anywhere without one

Diabetes Meter: Georgie has two diabetes meters one she keeps at home, and one she keeps in her book bag in case of emergencies.

Inhaler: Georgie only has one inhaler for Emma at the time, but she always makes sure to put it in her backpack when they go out anywhere

Tire patches and mini Air pump: Georgie keep them in her bag just in case Elena's wheelchair gets a hole or just needs to be blown up a bit.

Dog Food: Georgie always makes sure to have a small sandwich bag of food for each of her dogs just in case they're gone longer than she expects (which happens more often then not at this point.)

Snacks: She packs those for the same reason she packs extra dog food. Just in case she get hungry.

Hairbands: Georgie has so many hairbands, she uses them, Elena uses them and so does Emma so she always has extras around just in case one of them want to put their hair up

Hairbrush and compact mirror: Georgie always has a small hairbrush and a compact mirror in the front pocket of her bag.

Dog supplies: Georgie has a dog brush, toothbrush and toothpaste. Because as therapy dogs Pumpkin and Mira have to be kept clean so she has made a small kit that also has baby wipes in it so she can clean their paws off after they go through mud or something.

Sunscreen (Seasonal): During the summer Georgie always carries sunscreen because she knows the kids will need it and she rather be safe then sorry.

Bug spray (Seasonal): Georgie always has bug spray in her bag during the summer as she personally hates mosquitoes, and their are tons at the parks they go to.

Small fan (seasonal): To keep cool during a hot summer day.

Water: Georgie always has a bottle of water in one of her side pockets.

Flashlight: Just in case they get stuck in the dark somehow

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