Ask me about My Ocs part 1

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Hey everyone I have been finding many pins on Pinterest that keep showing me question to ask my OC. I thought it was interesting so I decided to answer some of the questions. If you have any questions about my writing OCs then feel free to ask I would love to answer them

What signs shows your OC is nervous

It's different for each of them.

Pumpkin's paces when she is nervous, while Diamond and Jade are a lot more subtle about it as only their tip of the tail twitches. Dove and Tyson both talk faster when they're nervous while Thorn shakes her fur, and Blaze looks at his paws

Are your Ocs charitable or Stingy?

Um  most are on the stingier side as they have lived out on the streets, and work hard to get what they need. They aren't going to give it up willingly. Pumpkin though is more charitable then the others as she is a pet dog, so she give more of her things away. As she knows she doesn't need them.

Do they believe in love at first sight? Soulmates? That love never dies?

Sadly all my Ocs have had bad back stories that leave all of them distrustful and not believing in love other then family love, and all of them have had their life stomped on do many times, that a love that leaves is all there is.

What’s a superpower or magical ability that this oc would hate having?

Pumpkin would hate anything having to do with the cold or icy weather. So controlling the ice or snow would be a nightmare

Diamond would hate, hate having water powers as she despises water.

Jade would hate the ability to shrink because she is already small as is and would not want to be smaller.

Thorn would hate any power that could hurt someone as hurting people is her last resort, and she wouldn't like hurting anyone.

Tyson would hate super speed as the pup likes taking his time and not being rushed. And he doesn't like running because it hurts his legs.

Dove would definitely hate having time freezing powers as she's all about living in the moment and racing forward not stopping time.

"Blaze would hate being able to fly because he is scared of heights.


Well that was fun I hoped you enjoyed.💖

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