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  "I'd reject a thousand lifetimes without you.
        I'd reject every moment without you.
              A life without you is colorless.
   Because you my love is the color of my life."

Taehyung's pov:

I scooted closer and snuggled into her back. I took a whif of her lily scent. My arms wrapped around her waist. I pulled her more closer. She was still in a deep slumber. She groaned and turned around to face me. Her eyes still shut tight. She mumbled in her sleep," Tae, stop it." I was wide awake. I enjoy every morning waking up to her sleepy form. Her mere existence beside me boosts my mood. I warned her to not leave me alone,when I'm still asleep. I'm habituated to have her arms wrapped around me and mine around her. I still can't believe she is mine. Its like a beautiful dream to have her as my wife. As my life.

I gently removed a few whisps from her face to have a clear view. I kissed her forehead, " Wake up my love. It's 8 in the morning. "

She scooted closer,burying her face into my chest ," Nah. I want to sleep more." She looks so cute while asleep. I held her more tightly in my arms,my fingers mindlessly running through her locks. I loved the way she fits into me. Just like two pieces of puzzle. We complete each other.

"Y/n C'mon its our 1st marriage anniversary and I've planned so much. Wakeup. " I informed her.

"Can we please spend it all day in bed,cuddling and eating snacks?" She whispered. Still trying to fall back into her slumber.

"Sorry my love. We can do it some other day. But I've planned our D-day. Now wakeup please..." I want to make this day special for her. And she was groaning like an angry grandpa , this reminds me a lot about Suga hyung. I guess this laziness runs down their family line...

"Okay..." She got up lazily, dragging her feet into the bathroom. I watched her small form disappear behind the door. I checked my laptop for the updates and I too got ready for the day.

We had our breakfast at her favorite cafe "WWH CAFE". Y'all might have got it. Yes it was Jin hyungs cafe. He greeted us and congratulated for our anniversary. He has arranged everything according to Y/n's taste and I loved it. We thanked him and enjoyed our breakfast.

"So what are your plans?" Y/n asked me,her mouth stuffed with pancakes.

"You'll get to know. Now keep quiet and enjoy your food..." I can't let her know anything. Afterall it was a surprise I was planning since one week.

We were on our way somewhere, her phone buzzed with a call. It was Jungkook. He too congratulated us. Followed by Namjoon hyung ,Suga hyung and Hoseok hyung. All our way there she was busy on her phone, receiving everyone's warm wishes. Atleast she will not ask me any questions related to my surprise.

After  some three hours of driving we felt hungry and stopped at a restaurant for lunch.

After that we were back at our route. By now Y/n guessed our destination and she squealed," We are going to BUSAN!!"

I just hummed and was focused on driving. She clung onto me from beside like a koala ,taking me into a side hug," I love you so much Taehyung. " and she smothered my face with sloppy kisses. She was such a kid,getting excited at small thing. Well I guess we humans find happiness in small things only.

"Okay Y/n but lemme focus on driving. You can kiss me how much you want once we reach there..." She gave me an ear to ear grin.
Ahh what a sight for sore eyes. Her smile offered a kind of coolness to my tired eyes.

We finally reached Busan after a tiring long drive of nearly 4 hours and 35 minutes.

It was evening time and sun was in its setting stage. The sky was painted with warm,orange hues. And she was glowing beside me,like a full moon enlightened by Sunshine.

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