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You entered the classroom,nervous was an understatement you were freaking out seeing classroom filled with students,unknown faces. You were so used to your bestfriend Lisa and a few college friends whom you knew through Lisa. But here you were alone.

You took a deep breath in and entered the class,taking a seat in 3rd row.

The students were ignorant towards you,which you weren't complaining about as you don't want unnecessary interactions. You were here just to study ,making friends, partying, goofing around was never your thing.

"Yeah pretty boring life of introvert Y/n"

The professor entered the class and greeted y'all. He asked," So students did you all completed the assignment ?". All the students yelled yes in unison.

"Assignment...what assignment? Oh gosh what do I say. Today is my first day and I don't know anything about previous classes ". You started shaking your foot under the desk. Avoiding professor's stare. He was looking in your direction and it made you more uncomfortable.

Finally he asked," Excuse me miss.. Is this your first class today?"
You shakily stood up and nodded, " y-yes sir."

He was about to say something when the door flung open and someone barged hastily into the classroom and all the attention was averted in his direction.

A boy dressed in all black. His hair quite long and disheveled. Numerous dangly earrings hanging in his ears. Finger rings and a black bagpack. He was dressed like a typical E-boy.

The boy mumbled, " Sorry sir. I'm late."
The professor nodded ,"okay..come in..but next time be on time Mr.Jung"

He entered the classroom and was walking in your direction

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He entered the classroom and was walking in your direction. Your heart started beating vigorously due to anxiety. He stood near your desk and gestured you to move. You didn't moved away ,your body stopped functioning for a while due to sudden encounter. He then gritted through his teeth, "If you are done checking me out then can you please move?"

You hummed in response and moved away.."wait what! I wasn't checking him out..." And you swiftly turned your head in his direction. He sat beside you in a spare chair. He gave you a disgusted look. You hung your head low and huffed," I was not checking you out.."

He replied nonchalantly, " Whatever "

The professor cleared his throat, "So students we have a new student here with us...Can you please introduce yourself Miss?"

Now all the stares were on you..making you more nervous. You stood up slowly and addressed all," Hello myself Kang Y/n. I'm from Busan. Nice to meet you all.."

The class looked uninterested in your introduction and ignored your words which required a lot of courage from your side to be formed. The professor smiled," Okay Miss Y/n. You can take a seat.."

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