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Life is full of pain and sorrow
But we need to find its meaning
For a brand new ending.

Kang Y/n, a 21 year old normal girl from Busan,with loving parents and a bestfriend.She is good at her studies no special talents except that...**uhhh that's what she thought**. She doesn't have a nervous system,actually she is a nervous system.She is a depressed soul and an anxiety machine. Always conspiring against herself,self-depreciating jokes,making fun of her mental health,comparing herself with a trash can that's her daily routine...
Despite of all her negativity she always helped her parents and her bestie as they were the only one's that matter in her life,for whom she wakes up everyday,for whom she hasn't killed herself till now...
"Yes she is suicidal"
She always treated her problems as the secret of Victoria that can't be exposed.The problem is the world that she created inside her as a coping mechanism, which slowly turned into a destructive mechanism, destroying her from inside which she herself can't find until it destroyed her beyond repair *that's what she thought*. Her heart stopped responding...oh!wait she didn't die, its just she turned emotionless. Living her life on autopilot mode on a daily basis was not easy ,she was bad at expressing her emotions, whether its care,love,anger or sadness she can't express herself fully and properly infront of others which slowly killed her from inside. Her heart was replaced by a hollow cavity void of all emotions. Although it was a cavity but it weighed heavy as if though replaced with a stone. Gradually she learnt to live with this empty weight in her chest,but till when and at what cost?
The main purpose of heart is to pump blood and keep us alive but with blood it also pumps emotions that makes humans 'human' the emanating emotions of heart makes us feel alive. Isn't it good to express ourselves fully without any filter?but incase of Y/n all her emotions were locked and she don't even know the password.

*maybe the password isn't a number but a person*

She graduated with a good percentage and even got a scholarship to pursue her futher studies in The University of Seoul. At first she was reluctant to accept this scholarship due to her introverted nature,but her parents and her bestfriend Lisa encouraged her to grab this wonderful opportunity,finally she agreed as her studies always helped her running away from her poisonous thoughts.

It was a week before her arrival at Seoul. Y/n went for shopping with her parents,they insisted her to buy new clothes and upgrade her fashion as she was joining one of the well-known universities of South Korea,they wanted their daughter to look best and do her best. Y/n thought her parents are more excited than her,giggling like children and squealing like teen girls,but she was happy to see her parents happy afterall she was doing all this for her parents happiness. Everytime she thinks about moving to Seoul it makes her sad as she will miss her parents and Lisa. She even sucks at making new friends,can't even ask waiter for a glass of water, that's what she was thinking while having dinner with her parents at a restaurant. She snapped out of her own thoughts when her father tapped her on shoulder asking if she need anything. She loves to spend her time in her own head,thinking about basically anything. Even if she is with people she doze off to her dreamland, afterall its the only place where she feel confident and loved her courageous self ,in her "imaginary world". She went back home and laid on her bed thinking about her parents, they were the 2 brightest stars in her galaxy,whom she loved and valued the most,they were her precious gems which she can't afford to lose because losing them means she lose herself.

Its 11 in the morning Y/n's mom barged into her daughter's room telling her that she is going somewhere with her father due to some urgent work and will return till evening, Y/n was half-asleep when her mom pecked her cheek for the last time and went away with her father.

Y/n woke up at 12(she is a heavy sleeper)did her morning routine and came downstairs. She called for her parents but no response, then she remembered that they went out for some work. She made her breakfast and ate while scrolling through her phone.she spent entire day packing her stuff and arranging all her documents that might come handy in Seoul. It was evening time but her parents didn't came back,she called them but no response she sighed and plopped on the sofa and dozed off. She woke up to the loud ringing of her phone in the eerie silence of her vacant home. She received the call and the next words that came from the opposite side of the call pierced her heart like shards of glass and shattered her heart into million pieces. She lost them,she lost her precious gems,she lost her parents, her brightest stars and now she was alone in her own galaxy.

Well I hope this chapter doesn't sucks and y'all can perceive the character of Y/n that I tried to convey through this chapter. I'm trying my best to convey all the emotions to readers through my writing.
Love you all💖
Do comment and don't forget to click that lil star down there👇it glows if you click it😁

This man will be the death of me💀*no regrets tho*. Mr Kim Taehyung who asked you to be this handsome 😭
Nvm I love this man and he can kill me if he wants to🙂🔪

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