34- FATED.

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"Our destinies were entwined from the       beginning "

Taehyung's feet dragged him involuntarily in your direction. He was lost in a daze. Your voice was like a melodious tune for his ears. Your appearance charismatic. You were a strong yet delusive enticement for him. You were talking with Kai and laughing at his silly jokes. Taehyung's idea of ignoring you jumped of the cliff,the moment he entered. He just wanted to meet you for once. This one year spent without you made him more desperate. He thought to meet you and tell you ,how much he loves you. He doesn't want to regret later for not showing you his love.

He was about to call your name from behind but someone beat it to him...

"Y/n..." Yoongi approached you with a contagious smile.

"Yes oppa." You whispered lowly but Taehyung's ears perked up and his body went stiff at those words. He recognized this voice and shoot a glare towards Yoongi's direction.

"Suga hyung". Taehyung saw him and can't control his urge to reach him out. He called Yoongi's name again but loudly.

"Suga hyung!"

Yoongi searched for this familiar voice and saw Taehyung. You too recognized this voice and turned to search for him.

You stood up and pushed Yoongi a little bit to see clearly. You can't believe your eyes,your ears heard his voice. Your eyes saw his figure. He stood there unfazed. His eyes burning with anger. He didn't knew whether he should be happy because he found his hyung and his love or should be angry because you two left him abruptly or should be sad because you two were together now as a couple.

All the memories hits you with full-fledged force. You can't speak. You can't move. You were turned into a stone. Yoongi too saw him and froze. The memories of their brotherhood, of their bond,their love,Jimin gushed into his brain and it went haywire.

"Taehyung!" Both Yoongi and you calls him together.

"You know him?" Again you and Yoongi question each other,faces morphed into confusion.

You two nods . "But how?" Again same sentences left yours and Yoongi's mouth.

Taehyung too was puzzled but soon everything made sense to him. You two were unaware of your pasts. Taehyung thought to keep it as it is but it was late. You and Yoongi both wanted answers. So now three of you were in store room and sitting around a table. Questioning looks evident on everyone's face.

Yoongi cleared his throat and leaned forward, " So how do you two know each other?"

You were hesitant and avoided his and Taehyung's eyes. " I can ask the same to you oppa..."

Sheesh again oppa! Taehyung mentally slapped himself and rolled his eyes.

Taehyung can't bear this anymore so he spoke first," Suga hyung I met Y/n in Busan. You remember Jimin died in an accident. "

"Suicide Taehyung it was a goddamn suicide!" Yoongi hissed.

Taehyung swallowed a lump formed in his throat, " Uhmm yeah. So hyung that accident was caused by Y/n's parents car. "

Yoongi's eyes went wide. He knew that your parents died in a car accident but he never thought that it was related with Jimin's death. You were silent,trying to control the tears stinging your eyes.

"I met her there and after that in Seoul we two became good friends and then..." Taehyung had no words to explain all the story. He went silent.

"H-how do you know him Oppa?" You directed your question towards Yoongi. Unable to see in Taehyung's eyes which were boring holes into your skull.

BUTTERFLY🦋K.TH💜Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang