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"A repeating seesaw,seesaw game.
At this point I just became sick,sick of it.
A repeating seesaw,seesaw game.
We both became tired of it and now we are miserable. "

Namjoon confronted Taehyung, " Hey Tae how is she now?"

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Namjoon confronted Taehyung, " Hey Tae how is she now?". Taehyung looks back and replies," she is fine."
"And what about you?" Namjoon asks him,his voice laced with concern.
Taehyung looks at his feet. He has no answer for Namjoon's question. He don't even know what he is feeling right now. He can't feel anything. Namjoon got his answer. He lets out a huff," Taehyung how long are you gonna suffer like this?"

"Hyung I-I." Taehyung again went silent. He wasn't in a mood to explain Namjoon his condition. So he decided to slide past him but Namjoon held his arm and asked again," Taehyung tell me. Are you happy?"

"I don't know hyung. People say love is beautiful, it makes us happy then why am I hurting due to this love. I-I love her but she can't see that. She is blind to my love and concern. I want her to be happy but she is blaming me for her suffering. Hyung why she for once can't become my strength? Why can't she comfort me? Why she can't love me like I love her? Why hyung why?" Taehyung again started wailing like a poor kid and Namjoon held him by hugging him. Namjoon was beyond mad right now. He hasn't seen Taehyung this weak during his entirety. He wasn't able to understand why Taehyung is suffering like this,mere for a girl who can't reciprocate his feelings. He was disappointed with you because you broke his brother's heart. He was determined to take away all the Taehyung's suffering. He can't see his brother hate himself for the things he hasn't done. He decided to do something before everything slips out of his hands.

"Taehyung you must take some rest. You are tired. Sleep here. I'll look after Y/n." Namjoon advised Taehyung. Taehyung agreed because he was really sleep deprived and tired. His eyes were red and puffy. His voice croaked and dark circles were evident under his eyes. He sat on a bench and decided to take a nap,while Namjoon walked towards your room. His step long and heavy. He was burning with anger but stood infront of your door and calmed his nerves down. He can't let his anger take over his senses and the matter he is going to discuss with you now needed his calm and composed side.

He knocked the door . You thought it was Taehyung and replied, " Get lost Taehyung. I don't want to see your face." Your rude behavior boiled Namjoon's blood and he clenched his jaws. He replied," Its me Namjoon" with an authoritative tone. You face-palmed yourself and stuttered, " c-come in." Namjoon entered the room ,a dominating aura surrounding him.

You instantly apologized ," I'm sorry Namjoon sir. I thought it was Taehyung. " He shakes his hand in air," No worries. And please drop these formalities. Call me Namjoon. As you know everything now."

You nodded slowly. He came inside and sat on a stool beside your bed." So Y/n how are you doing now. Well you look fine to me."

You replied, " Yes I'm fine. Just some body pain. "

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