33- HOME.

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         " All my life I searched for my home.
A longing for a familiar place,I can call my home.
   A deep desire in my heart for my own home.
          You,You my darling were my home."

Taehyung woke up early and got dressed up for his journey to Daegu. Soobin rang him and informed, " Sir I'm here. You can come down."

Taehyung at once took his luggage and went down in his building compound. He sneered and found Soobin waiting for him with his Matte black Mercedes SUV. Soobin bowed ," Good morning sir."

Taehyung replied while keeping his suitcase," Good morning Soobin. Did you had your breakfast?"

Soobin replied," Uhmm yes sir and you?"

Taehyung hummed in response. But he didn't had his breakfast. He was not habituated to eat this early,it was 6 in the morning. So he decided to grab something on their way...

Y/n woke up from her slumber. She did her morning routine and went downstairs,only to find it empty. Her eyes searching for Yoongi who was nowhere to be found. She remembered its Saturday and Yoongi takes extra hours of sleep today. She entered the kitchen and made herself some pancakes. She sat infront of the Television and chomped on her pancakes watching some dramas. Yoongi usually open his restaurant late on Saturdays, so Y/n had a lot of time in her hand. She was free as she didn't have any classes today. She thought to go on a walk,so she dressed up in her Joggers and an oversized hoodie.

She left a note for Yoongi,who might scream his lungs out if he fails to find his sister at home this early morning.

She admits that Daegu is really peaceful compared to Seoul. Its a homely town and she cherishes her days spent in these streets.

She reached the park and strolled there for sometime. There were only few people in the park ,which made it more beautiful and silent for Y/n. She lost the track of time enjoying the beauty of nature. She checked her phone and saw 3 missed calls from Yoongi and 5 messages. She got worried and checked his messages..

"Y/n where are you?
Why aren't you picking up my calls?
Are you alright?
We have to go to restaurant together today..
Its already late. Come fast..."

"I guess he didn't saw my note. Anyways why did he woke up this early. He might have some important work at restaurant. I must go now."

Y/n covered her face with her hoodie and ran towards her home. She was waiting for the signal to turn green but there were no cars,so she thought to cross the road. She was crossing the road,suddenly a car approached her speedily,honking and stopped right before her petite body. Her heart started thumping loudly.

It was Soobin. He was talking to Taehyung about their meeting and suddenly saw a girl crossing the road,he immediately pulled the brakes. Taehyung was jerked forward due to sudden halt. They two saw you on road shaking in fear. Your face was covered with hoodie,so they were unable to see your face. You ran away from there.

"Are you alright sir?" Soobin asked worridly.
"Yes I'm fine. And you?" Taehyung's gaze still lingering on road.
"Yes sir I'm alright. She came suddenly from nowhere. The signal is still red. It wasn't my mistake." Soobin defensed himself.
"I know Soobin. Maybe she was in a hurry or didn't noticed the signal. I just hope she is alright. " Taehyung consoled him.

You entered your home and saw Yoongi sitting on the couch,dressed for his work. As soon as he saw you ,he approached hurriedly," Y/n where were you?"

"I went for a walk. I left a note for you in kitchen but I guess you didn't noticed. "

"Ahh maybe. Anyways we are getting late. Today I need your help at restaurant. We got an order for a business meeting this morning. Its urgent. We have to prepare everything by evening. " Yoongi informed you everything.

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