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"And when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night,and when you can do whatever you want. What do you call it,freedom or loneliness?"  
                     - Charles Bukowski.

As I heard my parents died in a car accident while their way back home,I saw my world crumbling down,all I can feel was a pang in my heart and it all went numb. After that I can't feel anything as if though everything around me stopped,all I can hear is my own heartbeat. I tried to cry out loud but my eyes refused to shed even a drop of tear,what will be the worst thing to a daughter that her parents died and she can't even cry her heart out. My world shattered  today and now I can't find a reason to live this pathetic life of mine. I lose my balance and fell on floor I didn't even tried to get up,I lied there  contemplating about my own existence,what's the purpose of living a life where you are an unemotional,pathetic creature living this faithless life,all alone. Yes I do love living alone my small life with my loved one's but there is a difference between being alone by our own choice and being "abandoned ".

Yes I felt abandoned by my own parents,they left me alone to live this brutal life, to survive on my own,which I'm not capable of. They might have thought that their daughter is brave,she can live alone without any support from her parents but guess what they were wrong,their daughter is a coward who have already tried a few times to kill herself because of this useless life which she hates the most but everytime she tried to harm herself the love of her parents pulled her back from that dark and twisted thoughts. Apparently she was living till this day for her parents and now her sole purpose to breathe was gone.

I hated myself for this,for existing, for being heartless. I have decided I'm gonna end this miserable life of mine,I'll kill my already dead heart and free up my soulless body from its misery,now no one can stop me.

I was walking aimlessly on roads wishing for a vehicle to crush my body. I stopped on the middle of road,facing towards a car approaching me with full speed,there were no cars on road it was pretty empty as like my soul.

I was preparing myself to face my death,to bear the pain I'm about to witness which will lead me to my death,I was ready to embrace my death,I shut my eyes tight,thinking about my parents happy smiles,all our days spend together happily. The driver was blowing the horn continously and I heard the screeching of the car tires, I was ready to bear the pain which I realized was taking much time to reach me,was I really dead? But I didn't felt anything. Does it feel like this to be dead? Or did my body didn't register the pain? I slowly open my eyes to see whether I'm dead or not and as soon as  I adjusted to bright headlights of car,I frowned it means I didn't die,the car stopped just a centimeter away from my body.

I was sad ,now I need to find another way to die as I was busy thinking about some painless death ideas, I saw a man approaching me,I can't see his face as he was wearing a mask but I heard his voice,it was deep,really "deep". But I can't here clearly what he was saying, I was lost in a trance. But then I felt a sharp stinging pain on my cheek as if someone slapped me,wait he really slapped me!! How dare he? I screamed at him"hey, what you think of yourself mister? You can't slap someone like this!Its wrong".

He scoffed"Oh!now you have the audacity to tell me what's wrong..you were the one who came infront of my car..If you are interested in dying then go die somewhere else not infront of my car.Or else I can call police right now and handover you to them as you were trying to kill yourself by coming infront of my car"...And he went away...

I sat on the footpath and called Lisa I must atleast inform her so that she can arrange a funeral for my parents and for me as well..

Its all my fault..How can I be so busy to ignore his calls,I should have received them on time. If something happens to him then I can't forgive myself for my entire life, just by thinking of worst things that can happen to him was killing me from inside, I can't afford to lose him, he is my precious treasure. I was in a hurry breaking all the signals,not giving a damn about roads safety rules and regulations, I just need to reach there on time. As I was driving my car recklessly, I saw a girl standing in the middle of road,facing towards my car.

I was bowing horn continously but this dumb girl didn't even budged. Is she deaf? But I guess she can atleast see my car..Aghh I hate this! I finally pulled the breaks and thank god my car stopped on time or else she would be dead till now. Even after I stopped my car,she didn't moved away, now I doubt is she alive or a ghost roaming on the roads hunting handsome men...I went near her and asked her why she was standing like this on road? Is she trying to commit suicide? But this dumb girl didn't respond to anyone of my questions.

I can't stand someone ignoring me ,when I was wasting my precious time here on them and I slapped her "not harshly but gently" so that it can knock some senses into this girl's empty skull. Finally, she's back on Earth.  But she started screaming on me that why I slapped her. She is really testing my patience now. I warned her that I can report her to police as she was trying to commit suicide. She stopped fighting and I went back into my car ,I have already wasted most of my time on this useless banter.

I reached hospital and inquired about him at the reception, they told me to consult the doctor dealing with the case. I barged into his cabin,"where is he? Is he alright? I swear I'm gonna kill him..how can he think about taking such an extreme step over a small problem". As I was busy babbling about the nuisance my bestfriend created,the doctor approached  telling me, " I'm sorry,we can't save him,he already lost most of his blood when they brought him here,we tried our best to save him but we lost him".

Those word were enough to send a chill down my spine,turning all the blood in my body cold, I felt a pang in my heart ,it felt as if my ribcage is constricted and my heart is crushed,I fell on the floor and soon I felt hot tears running down my cheeks,I was a crying mess now but I don't care ,he was my bestfriend.
He can't leave me alone,he can't break his promise of never leaving my side. He was my only family. Being an orphan life was never easy for me but with him at my side I was content with my life. I hate him for being a coward ,but I hate myself the most for not hearing him out,for not helping him on time. All these days he was suffering, bearing all the pain alone and I didn't noticed his inconvenience. He left me broken,now I'm alone again.

Park Jimin you are a liar,you broke your promise,you left me alone,you left this world,you broke my heart, you abandoned me. How I'm gonna live alone with the guilt of not saving you on time. I failed as a friend, I didn't helped him on time,I failed Park Jimin who trusted me with his life, I failed to fix him.
And he killed himself,he committed suicide....

So what you guys think Jimin committed suicide for?
I'm really sorry for killing mochi in 2 chapter but he will surely have a chapter of his own to share his back story..
Park Jimin is an angel 😇fight me if I'm wrong😤


Love you all💖

BUTTERFLY🦋K.TH💜Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora