Chapter fifty-three~ Hollis

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"Around ten. She'll be at the rehearsal dinner, though." I assured him.

He smiled, "Good." 

He pulled me into a kiss that lasted a few seconds, it was a good kiss. It was weird to think it was gonna be one of the last kisses we had before we were married.

Then he walked to Flora and kissed her on the head. She started laughing, again which made us both laugh with her.

"Love you, Flor." He said to her, giving her another kiss on the head and making her laugh, again.

They were the cutest little duo and it made my heart melt every time they were together.

For the rest of the time I had with Flora, we hung out upstairs in my room. I put her favorite movie, Finding Nemo, on the tv and put her in the bouncer while I packed my bag for the honeymoon.

So she was happy and I was productive at the same time.

My mom came around ten, as predicted, and took Flora for the day. I felt bad because Flora started crying and seemed really upset to leave but ten minutes later, my mom texted me saying she fell asleep and was fine.

Mona and the twins came over a half hour later, I had just finished packing and we got pedicures and manicures. I went with a very natural off white color.

The twins parted ways after that and Mona stayed with me as I checked the wedding venue and did the final touches to everything. I was really excited at that point.

It was really rewarding seeing how all my hard work turned out in the end. For the past year, I'd been so stressed and obsessed with wedding planning and now it was all finalized.

Mona and I hung around the house for the next few hours. It was crazy and chaotic at first and now it was really chill. I'm sure all the chaos would pick up soon enough.

Around 2:00, I showered and took my time in there. It was the first time today that I really had time alone to collect my thoughts.

This was actually happening. I was getting married tomorrow.

I got out and dried my hair with a towel, I settled on it being a little damp and walked out of the bathroom. 

Mona was sitting on the couch, on her phone, cuddling with Waco. Waco was probably the most cuddly dog I've ever met. Luke liked to call him a 'lap dog' because he'd always want to sit on your lap.

Pretty self explanatory.

We started doing our makeup and having girl talk a few minutes later.

"Are you nervous?" Mona asked me.

I started putting on my concealer and foundation, "I'm so nervous, Mona, yeah. I know I shouldn't be because this is what I want but I can't seem to shake all my nerves away." 

She curled her eyelashes as she spoke, "It'll work out in the end. I mean everything's fine but I feel like you can't help it with the nerves. Once you get the vows over with, it'll be fine."

"You're right. It's just the weirdest feeling, I've never been this excited and nervous at the same time. I'm glad you're here with me tonight because I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep." I told her.

She grinned, "Oh dude, of course. We probably shouldn't drink that much because you don't wanna be hung over tomorrow but tonight's gonna be great." 

This is partly why I loved Mona. She was just like Beck in many ways like their humor and positivity. I knew Mona would be in my life forever even if things didn't work with Beck.

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