Chapter 17: Start! The Sports Festival!

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"Eh. I doubt it." Mineta said. "We should worry more about her gadgets..."

"Guys, seriously. We should worry about both of those things." Mina said. "Yumi is one half of the problem. Hatsume is on at least the same level as she is. And both of them can make anything out of scrap metal. Watch yourself if you go up against either of them."

"Hey guys. It's time to get suited up. First event is in twenty." Aizawa grumbled from the hallway. "I'll be running commentary with Mic. The teachers are down the hall if you need anything."

Bakugo stood up and walked to the locker room, where he began pulling on a gym uniform.


Bakugo and Toshinori sat in the teachers lounge. Bakugo had just gotten word about the approach of the sports festival.

"She's killed again..."

"I know..." Bakugo sniffed. A newspaper was on the table between them, displaying a headline about another victim of Patchwork Bunny. A man by the name Asiko Milo.

"I think that she might be beyond help at this point." Toshinori said darkly. "She's killed so many... Because of my mistake..."

"HEY! I MESSED UP TOO! IF I HADN'T... if I hadn't... I killed her..."

"Young Bakugo. You cannot take the blame for this. I was the one who-"

"You were just the last straw. One drop in an infinite ocean of grief for her. I'm at fault here. I cannot be a hero..."

"Nonsense. Of course you can."

"HEROES DON'T MAKE VILLAINS!" Bakugo blinked tears from his eyes.

"YOUNG BAKUGO." Toshinori shouted. "You are still young... If you wish to take responsibility, then Izuka is the villain that only you can defeat... Show her that you will meet her in battle confidently. Use this festival to announce to the world your immovable spirit. Show them that YOU ARE HERE!"

Bakugo nodded and grinned. "OF COURSE I WILL!" He wiped the tears from his eyes. "I'LL BE THE BEST! AND I WILL DEFEAT HER!"

*End Flashback*

Bakugo pulled the gym shirt over his head and walked out to the field. He emerged to see thousands of spectators. Students crowded the field, the sun beating down upon them.

Midnight stood on a center podium. She cracked her whip and everybody went silent.

"We have two speeches today. One from the top scorer in the hero course, and another from two students... Katsuki Bakugo, Yumi Shoudai, Hatsume Mei. Please step forward."

Bakugo stepped up to the podium. The other two students followed him.

"First, Katsuki Bakugo."

Bakugo stepped up to the microphone.

"Heh. If I was still the same, I'd probably declare my victory already... But I've changed. I know that you're out there. I know that you're watching. Let it be known, your attack on UA has only made us stronger. Every student here. Today we will show everybody how powerful we are."

Izuka was cheering in her mind. Almost crying with mirth.

'Holy shit he's so stupid!'

"This is a warning to all villains. We are the world's next heroes. We will stand strong. Today is a day of emergence. We Are Here!"

A cheer went up through the stadium. Toshinori grinned at the speech.

"You really have grown..." Mitsuki muttered, as she watched the festival on the television.

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