Chapter 12: Buildup

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Izuka, Toga, and Hatsume sat near the entrance to the cafeteria. Izuka and Hatsume were on early lunch break. They were waiting for the time. A single second. A tiny bit of time where Tomura would cause a distraction.

The alarm rang. As soon as the students began panicking, the three slithered past the crowd and into a separate part of the school. Izuka and Hatsume stood guard as Toga transformed into Lamplight and slipped down the hallways.

The alarm turned off right as Toga got back. "I got the schedule. Next Monday in the morning, class 1-A will be going to the USJ. All Might is supposed to arrive an hour after they do."

"That was fast."

"Nobody's there."

Izuka and Hatsume nodded. "Okay. I'll make sure that we get enough people together. We should get back to the Cafeteria."

The three students went back into the cafeteria. Nobody even realised they had been gone. Izuka felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

Power Loader: I need you and Mei. Gate's been broken.

Izuka locked her phone. "Power Loader needs us to inspect the gate."

"You have a hero's number?" Toga hissed.

"Spare phone. Other one's a burner." Izuka grinned. "Let's go Mei."

The two junior inventors walked out of the main school building. They met Power Loader by the door, who walked with them to the UA gate.

"This was caused by something sinister..." Izuka heard the principal mutter. "A declaration of war..."

"Nezu. I brought them. Should they take a look?" Power Loader asked.

Principal Nezu looked at the two students and nodded. "Please offer your insight."

Izuka and Hatsume both stepped up and inspected the UA barrier. From what anybody else could tell, someone had used their quirk to melt a hole through the gate. Izuka and Hatsume knew Tomuras quirk however.

"It's a quirk. Disintegration of some sort... Not a support item. I'm good with machines, but not as much with quirks."

Power Loader nodded. "Okay. Thank you. We at least know that it was a quirk. You can head back to the studio."

Izuka and Hatsume bowed, before walking back to the school.

"So? You wanna invent anything?"

Izuka shrugged. "I mean. You'll need weapons. And with those electricity gauntlets, you've got some good stuff... Hmmm. Wait. We haven't even started steel boy's costume!"

"OH SHIT! Those are due Friday right?"

"We'd better get on that."

The two bolted back to the support studio, where they began gathering a lot of materials. Special cloth, bits and pieces for the support gear, and Hatsume's robot. They then retreated to the private shop.

As they worked Hatsume noticed something she hadn't before.

"Izuka, you have tattoos?"

The scarred girl nodded. "Yeah. They each have some personal meaning to me."

"How'd you get them?"


Izuka and Toga walked through Tokyo. They had been given a day off as congratulations for infiltrating UA.

A small sign caught Izuka's eye.


The girl pulled Toga towards the shop. They entered to find it relatively clean, just a man at a desk sat before them.

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