Chapter 44: Evolutions

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Todoroki and Uraraka stepped out onto the the testing ground. Thirteen wasn't there, but there was a force that seemed to pull at them.

"She's using her quirk to bring us to her... What should we do?"

Shoto hummed. "We could make our way around the city and get to the escape gate, or we could attack them. But if we go in, we aren't coming out unless we beat Thirteen..."

Ochaco nodded. "Okay then... Thirteen can also move around the city. That means we'll run into her eventually..."

"Should we just stick together then?"

Ochaco gave a thumbs up. "That would be the best plan. We can talk about ways to beat her as we keep going."

The two students began navigating the testing ground.


Kirishima's eyes fluttered open. He was in Recovery Girls office. The nurse had a livestream of the tests playing.

"Recovery Girl?"

The nurse's chair whipped around. Chiyo leapt up and ran to his side.

"Kirishima. How are you feeling?"

Kirishima stretched. "Like I got hit by a truck... But I didn't feel it?"

Chiyo chuckled. "Great description. Do you remember what happened?"

Kirishima looked at his hand. He saw it shake slightly, and could feel it buzzing. "I remember jumping in front of Bakugo, and then fighting against All Might... Holy shit... I fought against All Might..."

Chiyo bonked the boy on the head with her cane. "Language."

"How did I survive?"

Chiyo smiled. "Well... you pulled off what we've been waiting for..."

The nurse pulled out a clipboard and handed it to the redhead. "Congratulations Eijiro. You are the first in your class to pull off a quirk evolution."

Kirishima stared at the clipboard in his hands.



Izuka and Hatsume had returned to the private lab. There, they worked on a suit for Hatsume, before grabbing a snack and going to the rooftop. Sitting on the edge, their legs swinging off the side of the building, the two looked out over the UA campus. They could see every testing ground, and the main student area.

Several students could be seen walking to their area. Izuka sighed and took a bite of her food. She was eating a sandwich. Nothing really incredible. Just a sandwich. A swoosh sounded behind her.

"So. I hear that you two had some fun."

Mirko stood on the rooftop with a grin plastered across her face. "Kick some hero course ass?"

Izuka shrugged. "Had to go easy on 'em. They killed my mood."

"That's a shame..." Mirko sat down next to her owner. "But you got out early..."

Izuka smirked. "Yeah. Aren't you supposed to be on patrol right now?"

Mirko purred. "I have the day off... Hawks wanted to go solo today, and I was lonely..."

Izuka wrapped her arm around the rabbit hero's waist and squeezed, causing Mirko to give a moan of pure bliss.

"Please... I missed you..."

"You can't be this attached Mirko." Izuka smiled. "It could come back to bite you in the ass."

Mirko winked at her owner. "I don't care... My ass is made for being bitten."

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