Chapter 38: ???

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Shida Tatsumaki laughed as she walked through the halls of UA with her best friend. Nezu had been rescued from a terrible place by some heroes, and brought to UA. Shida took a great interest in the animal.

"Shida... how do you know everything?"

The girl laughed. "I don't know everything Nezu."

"Sure you do! You know about every quirk! You can even tell downsides to powers by looking at a person long enough!"

"Having good senses doesn't mean I know everything. You know, I still have a bit of trouble with history, and some trouble understanding other things."

"Like what?"

"Feelings... Why am I warmer when I talk to you? Why does the air get colder when the principal storms through the hallways? Why do I shake when I smell something delicious?"

Nezu chuckled. "Shida... You're so funny."

"What? Why?"

"It's because you always gravitate to food. Every conversation we have... food comes up at least once."

Shida blushed. "Hey! It's not my fault that food is delicious! Seriously!"

A tall blonde boy ran down the hallways with a laugh, accidentally bumping into Shida.

"Whoops! Sorry!"

Nezu helped Shida up. "Toshi! You need to watch where you're going."

"Sorry!" The blonde bowed, before turning white. "Oh shit, I forgot, I gotta run."


A small man zipped through the hallways, aiming a kick at the blonde. Toshinori ducked, before running away.


Shida and Nezu laughed as the teacher chased Toshinori out of the school.

"Gosh... those two are always causing a ruckus."

"Well, you know how Mr. Torino is..." Shida giggled. "But he's strangely been paying more attention to Toshinori as of late... Maybe their training for the sports festival?"

"Possibly... By the way, how do you think you'll do in the festival?" Nezu asked.

"I think I'll do pretty well... I don't know if I can make it to the leaderboard though..."

Nezu smiled. "Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see... Now where are we going?"

"Studying." Shida said. "The library remember?"

"Ah yes!"

The two made their way to the large library in UA. Shida found an empty table and sat down. Nezu joined her. They both opened history books and began studying.

After a while, Shida groaned. "Why is the world full of meatheads?"

"What do you mean?"

"In the quirk war of xxxx Japan could have stopped the battles way quicker. Here, look. General Ukairo. He had a lightning quirk. When the Americans attempted an invasion he could have done several things that would have ended the battle in an instant. You see this picture?"

Nezu looked at the picture Shida was showing him. A man with yellow hair in a military uniform stood on a cliff, overlooking a small navy fleet. Off to one side in the water was an islet that the flagship was using as cover. The sky was dark, and judging by the general's hair, it was windy.

"Look. the flagship was over there. Japan had the home advantage. The general had a powerful lightning quirk. He could have used that to do several things."

The Ascension Saga Book 1: GhostOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant