Chapter 8: Controlled Chaos

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Izuka stood in the vanguard 'gym'. Dabi had set it up for training. A few punching bags, weight lifting equipment, a sparring mat. Izuka and Toga had rotated on and off of them for the past months. They had received their mission.

"Infiltrate UA." Izuka shook her head. "It should be impossible."

Dabi and Twice walked in with water. "Well, for you two, it should be pretty easy. They never expect villains there."

Toga shrugged. "Yeah, but we'd better disguise ourselves. I mean, your classmates right?"

Izuka nodded. "Unfortunately yeah. But can we re-dye my hair? I don't wanna wear a wig again..."

Toga bonked Izuka on the head. "No."

"Uuuuuggghhhh. Whyyyyy?"

"Because I like it like this, and I'm lazy."

Izuka rolled her eyes. "Fine, How much time do we have?"

"Exams are tomorrow." Dabi said.

"IT'S THAT SOON?" Izuka was shocked. She didn't think that much time had passed. "Damn. Time flies around here."

"Are you ready for the written test?"

Izuka chuckled. "I aced that shit in third grade. Bring it."

"You prepared for if he shows up?"

"He's senseis kill. But I get to watch!" Izuka giggled. "And besides, I could just beat him to the point just before death. Make him SUFFER!" Izuka's aura flared up, then calmed. "Sorry. Got carried away. It's hard to control that."

Toga patted her on the shoulder. "I get it. But soon you won't need control."

"Are we allowed weapons?" Izuka pondered.

"Staffs I think. But they have to be approved before hand. Yours weren't." Jin said.

"Well fuck that. I'll just demolish anything in the practical."

Toga grinned. "I wanna see you kill a bitch."

Izuka kissed the blonde. "If your lucky, I'll catch a bitch and make them yours."

Toga shuddered in excitement. "Oh I'd like that..."

Izuka smiled. "I know you would. Let's go, your wet spot is showing."

Toga giggled and followed Izuka back to their room.

"We're gonna need new equipment." Dabi groaned.


Bakugo walked up to the gates of UA. Kirishima was by his side. Mina and Jiro were running to catch up.

"Well. Today's the day." Kirishima grinned.


"Jeez man, chill." Jiro mumbled. "You're really hyped up aren't you."

The four walked through the gates. Bakugo and Kirishima saw two familiar faces.

"Hey! It's you two! Shinama and Yumi right?"

The two girls turned. 'Yumi' Still wore sunglasses. 'Shinama' smiled. "Oh hey! Long time no see?"


"Hey you two, how do you know these girls?" Mina asked. "They're hot. Definitely not your type."

Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Met 'em on the beach. Took a picture for 'em. Didn't know they were taking the exam..."

'Yumi' Nodded. "That's right. I had just gotten back from studying abroad. I say that, but it's more like spending a year with dad."

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